Read NMEA2000 from Airmar DST800


Our company just purchased an Airmar DST800 deapth Multisensor (Depth, Speed, Temperature) which uses NMEA2000 protocol. We also purchased a MCP2515 CAN Controller Module (it is based on MCP2515 CAN Controller IC, TJA1050 CAN Transceiver IC and uses 8MHZ crystal) in order to collect the corresponding data with the help of an Arduino Mega.

We have successfully run some tests by sending/receiving data using two MCP2515 CAN Controller Modules so we are sure they are working fine.

Unfortunately, we didn't manage yet to collect the corresponding data from our sensor and we can't understand what we are doing wrong. In fact it seems that we are not receiving any data from it. We are also sure that the power supply is 12V and the wiring is correct.

For the record, we use the example 'DisplayData2' from the following library in order to handle NMEA2000 protocol: GitHub - ttlappalainen/NMEA2000: NMEA2000 library for Arduino

// Demo: NMEA2000 library. 
// This demo reads messages from NMEA 2000 bus and
// sends them translated to clear text to Serial.

// Note! If you use this on Arduino Mega, I prefer to also connect interrupt line
// for MCP2515 and define N2k_CAN_INT_PIN to related line. E.g. MessageSender
// sends so many messages that Mega can not handle them. If you only use
// received messages internally without slow operations, then youmay survive
// without interrupt.

#include <Arduino.h>
#define N2k_SPI_CS_PIN 53    // Pin for SPI select for mcp_can
#define N2k_CAN_INT_PIN 21   // Interrupt pin for mcp_can
#define USE_MCP_CAN_CLOCK_SET 8  // Uncomment this, if your mcp_can shield has 8MHz chrystal
//#define ESP32_CAN_TX_PIN GPIO_NUM_16 // Uncomment this and set right CAN TX pin definition, if you use ESP32 and do not have TX on default IO 16
//#define ESP32_CAN_RX_PIN GPIO_NUM_17 // Uncomment this and set right CAN RX pin definition, if you use ESP32 and do not have RX on default IO 4
//#define NMEA2000_ARDUINO_DUE_CAN_BUS tNMEA2000_due::CANDevice1    // Uncomment this, if you want to use CAN bus 1 instead of 0 for Arduino DUE
#include <NMEA2000_CAN.h>
#include <N2kMessages.h>
#include <N2kMessagesEnumToStr.h>

typedef struct {
  unsigned long PGN;
  void (*Handler)(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg); 
} tNMEA2000Handler;

void SystemTime(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Rudder(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void EngineRapid(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void EngineDynamicParameters(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void TransmissionParameters(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void TripFuelConsumption(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Speed(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void WaterDepth(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void BinaryStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void FluidLevel(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void OutsideEnvironmental(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Temperature(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void TemperatureExt(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void DCStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void BatteryConfigurationStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void COGSOG(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void GNSS(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void LocalOffset(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Attitude(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Heading(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Humidity(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void Pressure(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void UserDatumSettings(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);
void GNSSSatsInView(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);

tNMEA2000Handler NMEA2000Handlers[]={
  {127245L,&Rudder },

Stream *OutputStream;

void HandleNMEA2000Msg(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg);

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); delay(500);
//   while (!Serial) 
//  NMEA2000.SetN2kCANReceiveFrameBufSize(50);
  // Do not forward bus messages at all
  // Set false below, if you do not want to see messages parsed to HEX withing library
//  NMEA2000.SetN2kCANMsgBufSize(2);

template<typename T> void PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(const char* label, T val, double (*ConvFunc)(double val)=0, bool AddLf=false, int8_t Desim=-1 ) {
  if (!N2kIsNA(val)) {
    if ( Desim<0 ) {
      if (ConvFunc) { OutputStream->print(ConvFunc(val)); } else { OutputStream->print(val); }
    } else {
      if (ConvFunc) { OutputStream->print(ConvFunc(val),Desim); } else { OutputStream->print(val,Desim); }
  } else OutputStream->print("not available");
  if (AddLf) OutputStream->println();

void SystemTime(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    uint16_t SystemDate;
    double SystemTime;
    tN2kTimeSource TimeSource;
    if (ParseN2kSystemTime(N2kMsg,SID,SystemDate,SystemTime,TimeSource) ) {
                      OutputStream->println("System time:");
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SID: ",SID,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  days since 1.1.1970: ",SystemDate,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  seconds since midnight: ",SystemTime,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  time source: "); PrintN2kEnumType(TimeSource,OutputStream);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Rudder(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char Instance;
    tN2kRudderDirectionOrder RudderDirectionOrder;
    double RudderPosition;
    double AngleOrder;
    if (ParseN2kRudder(N2kMsg,RudderPosition,Instance,RudderDirectionOrder,AngleOrder) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Rudder: ",Instance,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  position (deg): ",RudderPosition,&RadToDeg,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  direction order: "); PrintN2kEnumType(RudderDirectionOrder,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  angle order (deg): ",AngleOrder,&RadToDeg,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void EngineRapid(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char EngineInstance;
    double EngineSpeed;
    double EngineBoostPressure;
    int8_t EngineTiltTrim;
    if (ParseN2kEngineParamRapid(N2kMsg,EngineInstance,EngineSpeed,EngineBoostPressure,EngineTiltTrim) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Engine rapid params: ",EngineInstance,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  RPM: ",EngineSpeed,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  boost pressure (Pa): ",EngineBoostPressure,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  tilt trim: ",EngineTiltTrim,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void EngineDynamicParameters(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char EngineInstance;
    double EngineOilPress;
    double EngineOilTemp;
    double EngineCoolantTemp;
    double AltenatorVoltage;
    double FuelRate;
    double EngineHours;
    double EngineCoolantPress;
    double EngineFuelPress; 
    int8_t EngineLoad;
    int8_t EngineTorque;
    tN2kEngineDiscreteStatus1 Status1;
    tN2kEngineDiscreteStatus2 Status2;
    if (ParseN2kEngineDynamicParam(N2kMsg,EngineInstance,EngineOilPress,EngineOilTemp,EngineCoolantTemp,
                                 EngineLoad,EngineTorque,Status1,Status2) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Engine dynamic params: ",EngineInstance,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  oil pressure (Pa): ",EngineOilPress,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  oil temp (C): ",EngineOilTemp,&KelvinToC,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  coolant temp (C): ",EngineCoolantTemp,&KelvinToC,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  altenator voltage (V): ",AltenatorVoltage,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  fuel rate (l/h): ",FuelRate,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  engine hours (h): ",EngineHours,&SecondsToh,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  coolant pressure (Pa): ",EngineCoolantPress,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  fuel pressure (Pa): ",EngineFuelPress,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  engine load (%): ",EngineLoad,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  engine torque (%): ",EngineTorque,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void TransmissionParameters(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char EngineInstance;
    tN2kTransmissionGear TransmissionGear;
    double OilPressure;
    double OilTemperature;
    unsigned char DiscreteStatus1;
    if (ParseN2kTransmissionParameters(N2kMsg,EngineInstance, TransmissionGear, OilPressure, OilTemperature, DiscreteStatus1) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Transmission params: ",EngineInstance,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  gear: "); PrintN2kEnumType(TransmissionGear,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  oil pressure (Pa): ",OilPressure,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  oil temperature (C): ",OilTemperature,&KelvinToC,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  discrete status: ",DiscreteStatus1,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void TripFuelConsumption(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char EngineInstance;
    double TripFuelUsed;
    double FuelRateAverage; 
    double FuelRateEconomy; 
    double InstantaneousFuelEconomy; 
    if (ParseN2kEngineTripParameters(N2kMsg,EngineInstance, TripFuelUsed, FuelRateAverage, FuelRateEconomy, InstantaneousFuelEconomy) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Trip fuel consumption: ",EngineInstance,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  fuel used (l): ",TripFuelUsed,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  average fuel rate (l/h): ",FuelRateAverage,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  economy fuel rate (l/h): ",FuelRateEconomy,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  instantaneous fuel economy (l/h): ",InstantaneousFuelEconomy,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Heading(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    tN2kHeadingReference HeadingReference;
    double Heading;
    double Deviation;
    double Variation;
    if (ParseN2kHeading(N2kMsg,SID,Heading,Deviation,Variation,HeadingReference) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SID: ",SID,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  reference: "); PrintN2kEnumType(HeadingReference,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Heading (deg): ",Heading,&RadToDeg,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Deviation (deg): ",Deviation,&RadToDeg,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Variation (deg): ",Variation,&RadToDeg,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void COGSOG(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    tN2kHeadingReference HeadingReference;
    double COG;
    double SOG;
    if (ParseN2kCOGSOGRapid(N2kMsg,SID,HeadingReference,COG,SOG) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SID: ",SID,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  reference: "); PrintN2kEnumType(HeadingReference,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  COG (deg): ",COG,&RadToDeg,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SOG (m/s): ",SOG,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void GNSS(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    uint16_t DaysSince1970;
    double SecondsSinceMidnight; 
    double Latitude;
    double Longitude;
    double Altitude; 
    tN2kGNSStype GNSStype;
    tN2kGNSSmethod GNSSmethod;
    unsigned char nSatellites;
    double HDOP;
    double PDOP;
    double GeoidalSeparation;
    unsigned char nReferenceStations;
    tN2kGNSStype ReferenceStationType;
    uint16_t ReferenceSationID;
    double AgeOfCorrection;

    if (ParseN2kGNSS(N2kMsg,SID,DaysSince1970,SecondsSinceMidnight,
                  AgeOfCorrection) ) {
                      OutputStream->println("GNSS info:");
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SID: ",SID,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  days since 1.1.1970: ",DaysSince1970,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  seconds since midnight: ",SecondsSinceMidnight,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  latitude: ",Latitude,0,true,9);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  longitude: ",Longitude,0,true,9);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  altitude: (m): ",Altitude,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  GNSS type: "); PrintN2kEnumType(GNSStype,OutputStream);
                        OutputStream->print("  GNSS method: "); PrintN2kEnumType(GNSSmethod,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  satellite count: ",nSatellites,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  HDOP: ",HDOP,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  PDOP: ",PDOP,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  geoidal separation: ",GeoidalSeparation,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  reference stations: ",nReferenceStations,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void UserDatumSettings(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
  if (N2kMsg.PGN!=129045L) return;
  int Index=0;
  double val;

  OutputStream->println("User Datum Settings: ");
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  delta x (m): ",val,0,true);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  delta y (m): ",val,0,true);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  delta z (m): ",val,0,true);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  rotation in x (deg): ",val,&RadToDeg,true,5);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  rotation in y (deg): ",val,&RadToDeg,true,5);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  rotation in z (deg): ",val,&RadToDeg,true,5);
  PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  scale: ",val,0,true,3);

void GNSSSatsInView(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
  unsigned char SID;
  tN2kRangeResidualMode Mode;
  uint8_t NumberOfSVs;
  tSatelliteInfo SatelliteInfo;

  if (ParseN2kPGNSatellitesInView(N2kMsg,SID,Mode,NumberOfSVs) ) {
    OutputStream->println("Satellites in view: ");
                      OutputStream->print("  mode: "); OutputStream->println(Mode);
                      OutputStream->print("  number of satellites: ");  OutputStream->println(NumberOfSVs);
    for ( uint8_t i=0; i<NumberOfSVs && ParseN2kPGNSatellitesInView(N2kMsg,i,SatelliteInfo); i++) {
                        OutputStream->print("  Satellite PRN: ");  OutputStream->println(SatelliteInfo.PRN);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("    elevation: ",SatelliteInfo.Elevation,&RadToDeg,true,1);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("    azimuth:   ",SatelliteInfo.Azimuth,&RadToDeg,true,1);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("    SNR:       ",SatelliteInfo.SNR,0,true,1);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("    residuals: ",SatelliteInfo.RangeResiduals,0,true,1);
                        OutputStream->print("    status: "); OutputStream->println(SatelliteInfo.UsageStatus);

void LocalOffset(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    uint16_t SystemDate;
    double SystemTime;
    int16_t Offset;
    if (ParseN2kLocalOffset(N2kMsg,SystemDate,SystemTime,Offset) ) {
                      OutputStream->println("Date,time and local offset: ");
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  days since 1.1.1970: ",SystemDate,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  seconds since midnight: ",SystemTime,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  local offset (min): ",Offset,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void OutsideEnvironmental(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    double WaterTemperature;
    double OutsideAmbientAirTemperature;
    double AtmosphericPressure;
    if (ParseN2kOutsideEnvironmentalParameters(N2kMsg,SID,WaterTemperature,OutsideAmbientAirTemperature,AtmosphericPressure) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Water temp: ",WaterTemperature,&KelvinToC);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", outside ambient temp: ",OutsideAmbientAirTemperature,&KelvinToC);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", pressure: ",AtmosphericPressure,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Temperature(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    unsigned char TempInstance;
    tN2kTempSource TempSource;
    double ActualTemperature;
    double SetTemperature;
    if (ParseN2kTemperature(N2kMsg,SID,TempInstance,TempSource,ActualTemperature,SetTemperature) ) {
                        OutputStream->print("Temperature source: "); PrintN2kEnumType(TempSource,OutputStream,false);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", actual temperature: ",ActualTemperature,&KelvinToC);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", set temperature: ",SetTemperature,&KelvinToC,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Humidity(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    unsigned char Instance;
    tN2kHumiditySource HumiditySource;
    double ActualHumidity,SetHumidity;
    if ( ParseN2kHumidity(N2kMsg,SID,Instance,HumiditySource,ActualHumidity,SetHumidity) ) {
                        OutputStream->print("Humidity source: "); PrintN2kEnumType(HumiditySource,OutputStream,false);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", humidity: ",ActualHumidity,0,false);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", set humidity: ",SetHumidity,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Pressure(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    unsigned char Instance;
    tN2kPressureSource PressureSource;
    double ActualPressure;
    if ( ParseN2kPressure(N2kMsg,SID,Instance,PressureSource,ActualPressure) ) {
                        OutputStream->print("Pressure source: "); PrintN2kEnumType(PressureSource,OutputStream,false);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", pressure: ",ActualPressure,&PascalTomBar,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void TemperatureExt(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    unsigned char TempInstance;
    tN2kTempSource TempSource;
    double ActualTemperature;
    double SetTemperature;
    if (ParseN2kTemperatureExt(N2kMsg,SID,TempInstance,TempSource,ActualTemperature,SetTemperature) ) {
                        OutputStream->print("Temperature source: "); PrintN2kEnumType(TempSource,OutputStream,false);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", actual temperature: ",ActualTemperature,&KelvinToC);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", set temperature: ",SetTemperature,&KelvinToC,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void BatteryConfigurationStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char BatInstance;
    tN2kBatType BatType;
    tN2kBatEqSupport SupportsEqual;
    tN2kBatNomVolt BatNominalVoltage;
    tN2kBatChem BatChemistry;
    double BatCapacity;
    int8_t BatTemperatureCoefficient;
    double PeukertExponent; 
    int8_t ChargeEfficiencyFactor;

    if (ParseN2kBatConf(N2kMsg,BatInstance,BatType,SupportsEqual,BatNominalVoltage,BatChemistry,BatCapacity,BatTemperatureCoefficient,PeukertExponent,ChargeEfficiencyFactor) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Battery instance: ",BatInstance,0,true);
                        OutputStream->print("  - type: "); PrintN2kEnumType(BatType,OutputStream);
                        OutputStream->print("  - support equal.: "); PrintN2kEnumType(SupportsEqual,OutputStream);
                        OutputStream->print("  - nominal voltage: "); PrintN2kEnumType(BatNominalVoltage,OutputStream);
                        OutputStream->print("  - chemistry: "); PrintN2kEnumType(BatChemistry,OutputStream);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  - capacity (Ah): ",BatCapacity,&CoulombToAh,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  - temperature coefficient (%): ",BatTemperatureCoefficient,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  - peukert exponent: ",PeukertExponent,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  - charge efficiency factor (%): ",ChargeEfficiencyFactor,0,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void DCStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    unsigned char DCInstance;
    tN2kDCType DCType;
    unsigned char StateOfCharge;
    unsigned char StateOfHealth;
    double TimeRemaining;
    double RippleVoltage;
    double Capacity;

    if (ParseN2kDCStatus(N2kMsg,SID,DCInstance,DCType,StateOfCharge,StateOfHealth,TimeRemaining,RippleVoltage,Capacity) ) {
      OutputStream->print("DC instance: ");
      OutputStream->print("  - type: "); PrintN2kEnumType(DCType,OutputStream);
      OutputStream->print("  - state of charge (%): "); OutputStream->println(StateOfCharge);
      OutputStream->print("  - state of health (%): "); OutputStream->println(StateOfHealth);
      OutputStream->print("  - time remaining (h): "); OutputStream->println(TimeRemaining/60);
      OutputStream->print("  - ripple voltage: "); OutputStream->println(RippleVoltage);
      OutputStream->print("  - capacity: "); OutputStream->println(Capacity);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: ");  OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

void Speed(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    double SOW;
    double SOG;
    tN2kSpeedWaterReferenceType SWRT;

    if (ParseN2kBoatSpeed(N2kMsg,SID,SOW,SOG,SWRT) ) {
      OutputStream->print("Boat speed:");
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(" SOW:",N2kIsNA(SOW)?SOW:msToKnots(SOW));
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef(", SOG:",N2kIsNA(SOG)?SOG:msToKnots(SOG));
      OutputStream->print(", ");

void WaterDepth(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    double DepthBelowTransducer;
    double Offset;

    if (ParseN2kWaterDepth(N2kMsg,SID,DepthBelowTransducer,Offset) ) {
      if ( N2kIsNA(Offset) || Offset == 0 ) {
        PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("Depth below transducer",DepthBelowTransducer);
        if ( N2kIsNA(Offset) ) {
          OutputStream->println(", offset not available");
        } else {
          OutputStream->println(", offset=0");
      } else {
        if (Offset>0) {
          OutputStream->print("Water depth:");
        } else {
          OutputStream->print("Depth below keel:");
        if ( !N2kIsNA(DepthBelowTransducer) ) { 
        } else {  OutputStream->println(" not available"); }

void printLLNumber(Stream *OutputStream, unsigned long long n, uint8_t base=10)
  unsigned char buf[16 * sizeof(long)]; // Assumes 8-bit chars.
  unsigned long long i = 0;

  if (n == 0) {

  while (n > 0) {
    buf[i++] = n % base;
    n /= base;

  for (; i > 0; i--)
    OutputStream->print((char) (buf[i - 1] < 10 ?
      '0' + buf[i - 1] :
      'A' + buf[i - 1] - 10));

void BinaryStatusFull(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char BankInstance;
    tN2kBinaryStatus BankStatus;

    if (ParseN2kBinaryStatus(N2kMsg,BankInstance,BankStatus) ) {
      OutputStream->print("Binary status for bank "); OutputStream->print(BankInstance); OutputStream->println(":");
      OutputStream->print("  "); //printLLNumber(OutputStream,BankStatus,16);
      for (uint8_t i=1; i<=28; i++) {
        if (i>1) OutputStream->print(",");

void BinaryStatus(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char BankInstance;
    tN2kOnOff Status1,Status2,Status3,Status4;

    if (ParseN2kBinaryStatus(N2kMsg,BankInstance,Status1,Status2,Status3,Status4) ) {
      if (BankInstance>2) { // note that this is only for testing different methods. MessageSender.ini sends 4 status for instace 2
      } else {
        OutputStream->print("Binary status for bank "); OutputStream->print(BankInstance); OutputStream->println(":");
        OutputStream->print("  Status1=");PrintN2kEnumType(Status1,OutputStream,false);
        OutputStream->print(", Status2=");PrintN2kEnumType(Status2,OutputStream,false);
        OutputStream->print(", Status3=");PrintN2kEnumType(Status3,OutputStream,false);
        OutputStream->print(", Status4=");PrintN2kEnumType(Status4,OutputStream,false);

void FluidLevel(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char Instance;
    tN2kFluidType FluidType;
    double Level=0;
    double Capacity=0;

    if (ParseN2kFluidLevel(N2kMsg,Instance,FluidType,Level,Capacity) ) {
      switch (FluidType) {
        case N2kft_Fuel:
          OutputStream->print("Fuel level :");
        case N2kft_Water:
          OutputStream->print("Water level :");
        case N2kft_GrayWater:
          OutputStream->print("Gray water level :");
        case N2kft_LiveWell:
          OutputStream->print("Live well level :");
        case N2kft_Oil:
          OutputStream->print("Oil level :");
        case N2kft_BlackWater:
          OutputStream->print("Black water level :");
        case N2kft_FuelGasoline:
          OutputStream->print("Gasoline level :");
        case N2kft_Error:
          OutputStream->print("Error level :");
        case N2kft_Unavailable:
          OutputStream->print("Unknown level :");
      OutputStream->print(Level); OutputStream->print("%"); 
      OutputStream->print(" ("); OutputStream->print(Capacity*Level/100); OutputStream->print("l)");
      OutputStream->print(" capacity :"); OutputStream->println(Capacity);

void Attitude(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
    unsigned char SID;
    double Yaw;
    double Pitch;
    double Roll;
    if (ParseN2kAttitude(N2kMsg,SID,Yaw,Pitch,Roll) ) {
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  SID: ",SID,0,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Yaw (deg): ",Yaw,&RadToDeg,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Pitch (deg): ",Pitch,&RadToDeg,true);
      PrintLabelValWithConversionCheckUnDef("  Roll (deg): ",Roll,&RadToDeg,true);
    } else {
      OutputStream->print("Failed to parse PGN: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);

//NMEA 2000 message handler
void HandleNMEA2000Msg(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
  int iHandler;
  // Find handler
  OutputStream->print("In Main Handler: "); OutputStream->println(N2kMsg.PGN);
  for (iHandler=0; NMEA2000Handlers[iHandler].PGN!=0 && !(N2kMsg.PGN==NMEA2000Handlers[iHandler].PGN); iHandler++);
  if (NMEA2000Handlers[iHandler].PGN!=0) {

void loop() 

Any provided guidelines are more than welcome.

Welcome to the forum.

Can you please provide a link to the sensor datasheet, show a schematic of your system (hand drawn is OK) and post your code (use code tags).

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It looks like you know how to write software. Did you have a look at the signals with a logic analyzer or oscilloscope? Maybe the sensor requires some initialization.

The document is not very useful for a programmer or maker. This looks like some user manual for a product that is used with other ready made systems.

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Please do NOT cross post / duplicate as it wastes peoples time and efforts to have more than one post for a single topic.

Continued cross posting could result in a time out from the forum.

Could you take a few moments to Learn and Use The Forum


Welcome to the Arduino Forum. This guide explains how to get the best out of this forum. Please read and follow the instructions below. Being new here you might think this is having rules for the sake of rules, but that is not the case. If you don’t follow the guidelines all that happens is there is a long exchange of posts while we try to get you to tell us what we need in order to help you, which is frustrating for you and frustrating for us.


It will help you get the best out of the forum in the future.

  • Your OS and version can be valuable information, please include it along with extra security you are using.

  • Always list the version of the IDE you are using and the board version if applicable.

  • Use quote or add error messages as an attachment NOT a picture.

  • How to insert an image into your post. ( Thanks @sterretje )

  • Add your sketch where applicable but please use CODE TAGS ( </> )

  • Add a SCHEMATIC were needed even if it is hand drawn

  • Add working links to any specific hardware as needed (NOT links to similar items)

  • Remember that the people trying to help cannot see your problem so give as much information as you can


  • Ensure you have FULLY inserted the USB cables.

  • Check you have a COMMON GROUND where required. ( Thanks @Perry)

  • Where possible use USB 2.0 ports or a USB 2.0 POWERED HUB to rule out USB 3.0 issues.

  • Try other computers where possible.

  • Try other USB leads where possible.

  • You may not have the correct driver installed. CH340/341 or CP2102 or FT232 VCP Drivers - FTDI

  • There may be a problem with the board check or remove your wiring first.

  • Remove any items connected to pins 0 and 1.


  • Close any other serial programs before opening the IDE.

  • Ensure you turn off any additional security / antivirus just to test.

  • There may be a problem with the PC try RESTARTING it.

  • You may be selecting the wrong COM port.

  • Avoid cloud/network based installations where possible OR ensure your Network/Cloud software is RUNNING.

  • Clear your browsers CACHE.

  • Close the IDE before using any other serial programs.

  • Preferably install IDE’s as ADMINISTRATOR or your OS equivalent


  • CH340/341 based clones do not report useful information to the “get board info” button.

  • NANO (Old Types) some require you to use the OLD BOOTLOADER option.

  • NANO (ALL Types) See the specific sections lower in the forum.

  • NANO (NEW Types) Install your board CORE’s.

  • Unless using EXTERNAL PROGRAMMERS please leave the IDE selection at default “AVRISP mkII”.

  • Boards using a MICRO usb connector need a cable that is both DATA and CHARGE. Many are CHARGE ONLY.

CREATE editor install locations.

  • On macOs ~/Applications/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/

  • On Linux ~/ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1/config.ini

  • On Windows C:\Users[your user]\AppData\Roaming\ArduinoCreateAgent-1.1

Performing the above actions may help resolve your problem without further help.

Language problem ?

Try a language closer to your native language:

Thanks to all those who helped and added to this list.

Thank you for your response! We have already checked this and we are sure that our sensor sends data.

We are wondering if the module we are using is not suitable but by doing a little of searching we saw many people use it for similar purposes.

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