Would anyone have a complete arduino sketch for cars without can bus to work with realdash?
Blink example sketch is complete and without CAN bus work.
or do i some misunderstand?
Interesting question but almost impossible to answer. I am not sure what cards [Realdash for cars with no can bus (old cards)] has to do with it but there are thousands of different models and makes of old cars out there. Also there were several different voltages used in automotive over the years. I do not want to spend the time to go through them and determine what would work on all of them. Hopefully it is obvious more information is needed.
Hello. I need to send from Arduino to real dash the signals turn left, turn right, low beam, high beam, parking brake, velocity speed (the signal will come from a speed sensor that sends pulses), RPM (Pulse signal), fuel tank level, coolant temperature, engine oil pressure, Battery voltage.
All these signs have a specific wire that I will connect directly to Arduino pins.
Can you have some Arduino Sketch for this?
Hello danielgotz2023
Yes, it is feasible.
Do you know the physical and logical characteristics of the Realdash interface?
Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
don't do this, unless you car is a toy car with 3 AA cells.
I know that it´s not possible to connect 12v on arduino pins, I need to convert 12 to 5v. Thanks
I think what he was saying is the signals coming from the automotive system are very noisy and will have large voltage spikes on them. You also need to be careful where you ground your Arduino.
You will need some input protection in addition to clipping the signal to 5v (or 3.3V) .
Thanks. I have another doubt, signal like RPM I need to clip to 5v or this signal doesn't work with voltage? I know that this kind of signal produces pulses but I don´t know if the pulses have some voltage.
Is it a game thing or what?? Both? (I can't figure.)
it is info screen. nothing with left right forwards backwards.
Don't know where your specific RPM comes from but you will need to clip the voltage. Be sure to put a fairly large resistor (10k?) on the signal before it hits any diodes or capacitors. Else you may foul the signal for the vehicle.
Hi. I need Help. How does Realdash understand that a pin 2 on Arduino is the high beam signal? I saw a lot of sketches of Arduino on the internet working very well with Realdash but opening the Arduino sketch, the XML file, and the Realdash, I don´t find the link between the Realdash High Beam target id and the signal of Arduino. Thanks
Why did you start a topic in the Uncategorised category of the forum when its description is
Your topic has been moved to the Programming category
What is Realdash ?
@danielgotz2023, please do not cross-post. Threads merged.
You seem to have not yet an realistic imagination of what writing a program for arduino in this application means. Some time ago I posted an analogy with pictures of lego-cars to illustrate that.
With your project it is similar.
If answers shall go beyond "yes this is doable" a lot of more specific information is required.
What is the nature of the signals of all these wires that deliver the signals for
to the arduino-IO-pins?
You should give an overview about your real project.
Do you want to build some kind of driving simulator?
Do you want to have realdash as a dashboard for a car build in 1950?
Depending on that real project it might be easier to get the wanted functionality on another way.
The microcontroller-world is not superstandardized like USB-devices.
You have to take care of a lot of more things than just
"does the plug fit into the socket?"
I took a quick look at real dash. It seems that real dash can pickup signals from OBD2 or can-bus. Though with a quick look I dit not find a real getting started tutorial that would cover the hardware-side
best regards Stefan
The realdash-website suffers heavily from what I call
the experts blindness for beginner difficulties.
No easy to see "getting started" tutorial that would explain the basics.
After 30 minutes of reasearch I finally found this GitHub-repository that has a somewhere down the folders hidden arduino-sketch that reads in digital and analog IO-pins and sends CAN-BUS-frames towards realdash
Here is the RealDash CAN protocol description
which has a link to the XML channel description file
Github-user janimm who created this GiPo seems to be active in the realdash user-forum.
And realdash has a user-forum. For asking questions related to realdash I guess the probability to get helpful answers in the realdash-forum is higher than in the arduino-forum
best regards Stefan
if i understand correct, OP have old car, it has no MPU and no CAN, but his wish is to have a tablet that show futuristic pictures of car parameters just like RealDash shows.
if it so, OP need CAN shield for his arduino, to build something similar to MPU of modern car and its program collect data and send needed values to CAN and RealDash Software can display them on tablet screen.
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