I tried to login and was redirected to short.am with a no Robot - captcha?
I tried to login and was redirected to short.am with a no Robot - captcha?
Is that a question?
Sure - that is what the question mark is for
Is that new? Captcha's before login?
Not seen it here and I often do major clean ups of cache and cookies and such.
Are you by any chance using a VPN or something else to connect to the internet ?
Maybe from an educational or company network ?
Maybe also scan for any errant and unwanted surprises on your computer ?
I know sites who use Cloudflare for DDoS protection and Cloudflare is using Googles reCaptcha.
So there i know its normal you have it.
Thats the reason I'm asking if this is something new here/implemented.
Cache and cookies always get cleaned if i close Firefox and cookies are only allow on sides i allow it.
I also have a professional firewall with intrusion detection and all the tracking and ad sites are blocked there.
So i ask because i want to know if it's me or by design.
Well its an open question and I don't yet see anyone else having the issue.
No "Me Too" replys but lets wait and see if anyone else has any input.
But as of this moment in time I have to say no I dont think there is a captcha.
Part of that reasoning is like yourself I have pro grade security.
I clean up a lot is I occasionally help out on the DEV side and its a must to get decent results sometimes.
I also run a proper VPN too and with the DEV I have changed countries to come form another location which is a full outwardly seen IP address (another country if you wish)
If there is a trigger for the craptcha I have yet to see it.
arduino.cc, googleapis.com, google-analytics.com, and google-analytics.ga. No short.am.
Huh. I wonder what an x-woff document is ... Web Open Font Format ... innocuous ... and rather cool.
I know that Cloudflare does not always bring up the captcha.
Nobody here who works on this side? Also the email problems allot of people here have never get an answer.
@Coding Badly, Googles reCaptcha is not always showing you the same ads (short.am).
Yes webfonts is another innovation to make us download more and more just to have fancy fonts. In uBlock you can block them.
The web is getting worse from year to year and what is done today has not much to do with usability.
Since a long time i was yesterday on: Power Supply Calculator - PSU Calculator | OuterVision
It hurts my eyes now and the whole screen is wasted.
This was the compact and overseeable design they had before:
I especially hate this sides that are more and more coming where everything is on a single page and then there is this burger-menu. Now that we have big screens and not longer 800x600 they save on the side menus.
Not exactly a me too but I just typed Amazon into Firefox 51.0.1 and selected the offered Amazon.co.uk link to be confronted with a CAPTCHA saying they needed to confirm I was not a robot. Closed the tab and repeated the same exercise and it went to Amazon.co.uk the second time.
@ Riva
Thanks for bringing that up...
Its something I have seen too but not related to the OP specific.
Only seems to happen here if I change VPN destination a few times in succession and ONLY for GOOGLE.
Not seen it for a while since I added Googles "own" opt out add on to Chrome.
Its something I have seen too but not related to the OP specific.
Only seems to happen here if I change VPN destination a few times in succession and ONLY for GOOGLE.Not seen it for a while since I added Googles "own" opt out add on to Chrome.
I'm not using a VPN but I do block the likes of google-analytics using the NoScript plugin.
Yes also have noscript too..
Here google-analytics is blocked in the Firewall. Bad thing is that some sides like newegg and weather.com don't work right with it.
Everywhere this google sh.. today.
@ MrGlasspoole
To be honest I only have the known blacklist in the firewall system and a few specific ranges of my own choosing.
The rest is by simple add ons in the browsers themselves.
I dont have any issues with GOOGLE at all.
And for my main SM site FB I find "FB PURITY" gives me a nice clean page with no adds at all.
My load times for pages are also awesome by keeping things a little simpler with regards to add blocking and pop ups etc.
I was doing some tests on CREATE the other day and I pressed upload and watched it...well watched is not really the correct word...Blinked and I would have missed it tell me it had done.
Also participate in a closed forum where fast answers and wit are a prerequisite and again response times are wicked. And I know if I turn off the blocks I would be bombarded with Ads that would slow the page down considerably.
Looking at what you have said so far I am beginning to suspect you might have gone overboard a little in your quest for a nice clean browser.
Whilst we all have our pet peeves about google maybe its time to look at streamlined approach to what you use and how you use it.
More specifics would be a start.
Brand names, versions, configurations, OS's etc. Otherwise this is more of a "BAR SPORT" topic.
Gone overboard? I use all the known host sources and EasyList, EasyPrivacy and Fanboy stuff.
Load times are under 1 seconds on most sites if the site itself is fast.
Facebook, Twitter and all that stuff is blocked her. No use for it so i don't want to see it on every page that tracks me by implementing "like us" and "follow us".
Today you load more third party stuff then from the site itself.
But that was not the question here
And the answer so far with nobody else confirming it otherwise is still NO "Arduino" don't enforce Craptcha
Maybe time to look at your own setup ?
I got this exact same Captcha thing a few times on my iPhone when browsing the forum. So definitely not a problem with your computer.
Don't know if it's on purpose or if the forum got hijacked by some ad sellers ?
@ cbrandt
Can you actually see any adverts anywhere ?
Scriptsafe is only showing google analytics ga as an item on the block list.
I also submitted the site itself to a few different places for analysis and none of them showed anything nefarious with regards adverts.
You can do this yourself if you wish just type "website analysis" into a search engine.
@ Everyone else ... Do you see any unwanted adverts ?
No ads, but why the guesses and waiting if others have it and hoping they see the tread and answer?
This subforum is " Website and Forum" - so where are the admins who know what they build in and what not.
And if its Cloudflare then its random if there is a captcha or not.
AFAIK the site is hosted on Amazon servers if thats any use to you.
And as I said earlier all you have to do is push the site address to a few analysis sites to get your answer.
I did and its pretty easy to do...Did I see cloudflare in the list of things they all gave me ?
Well maybe you should try it out yourself even though I do have the answer.
Would be nice to compare what I found against what you found so I will await your results.
The MODS are same as you and me just users.
And expecting ADMIN to come in here...I think I will go buy a lottery ticket.