Remote control trouble

I have a question about infrared remote control, I was adding to my project a remote control, I reach to decode every button I've found In it but it doesn't work properly.

I only want to change relays status from High to Low with two buttons.

When I try it I've push the buttons but nothing happens.

Here you can see the code below. What should I change in it?

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That is not your complete sketch. To fix this, using your IDE:

  1. open the sketch
  2. CTRL-A to "select all" of your sketch
  3. open a forum reply to your responses
  4. click the < CODE > icon in the edit window
  5. paste your code where the edit window say, "... '''type or paste your code here'''

Your code should look something like this...

void setup() {

void loop() {
  digitalWrite (2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (3, LOW);
  if (irrecv.decode(&results))
    on = !on;
    digitalWrite (13, on ? HIGH LOW);
    irrecv.resume ();
    Serial.print (results.value);
    Serial.print (F("-> "));
    switch (results.value) {
      case 0xFFA25D:
        Serial.println (F("POWER")); break;
        digitalWrite (2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // <-- WHERE IS THE 'break;'??
      case 0xFF629D:
        Serial.println (F("VOL+")); break;
      case 0xFFE21D:
        Serial.println (F("FUNC/STOP")); break;
      case 0xFF22DD:
        Serial.println (F("FAST BACK")); break;
      case 0xFF02FD:
        Serial.println (F("PLAY/PAUSE")); break;
      case 0xFFC23D:
        Serial.println (F("FAST FORWARD")); break;
      case 0xFF38
          Serial.println (F("5")); break;
      case 0xFF5AA5:
        Serial.println(F("6")); break;
      case 0xFF42BD:
        Serial.println (F("7")); break;
      case 0xFF4AB5:
        Serial.println (F("8")); break;
      case 0xFF52AD:
        Serial.println (F("9")); break;
        irrecv.resume ();
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This looks very similar to his previous question posted the same way.

: (

Maybe this time...

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