RGB 24VDC with IRFZ44N

I have five RGB strips wich works with 24V and I want to make a controller for each one with arduino PWM and a IRFZ44N MOSFET.

RGB strips:

  • Connections: -R, -G, -B and +24V
  • 24VDC
  • 14.4W / meter
  • Each strip length is 0.4m or 40cm

Can someone let me know how can I do it without burning the MOSFETs?

The IRFZ44N is a very poor choice. Use a logic level MOSFET instead.

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Like the IRFL44N? It's true that it would be easier to design a circiuit with it. The problem is that I'm still learning about electronics and I don't know how to do it yet.

The IRLZ44 will work, but there are plenty of other possibilities.

Look at the MOSFET current rating, and for very low Rds(on) values at the HIGH logic level voltage of whatever MCU you are using (5V or 3.3V).

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As I can see it's a very low Rds(on) and my Arduino will work at 5V so it should work.

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Then begin your research. When you think you have the correct way to connect the MOSFET, post it here for the forum to check.

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If the data sheet specifies a Rds(on) for a Vgs =5V or less then you know it will work with a 5V Arduino.
Next you have to consider the actual Rds(on). Usually, the smaller the bettor if you are switching high currents

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This is the best I saw. Most people match in this circuit, not for controlling RGB strips but I think it should work without burning anything.


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That circuit is fine but make the 100K resistor 10K

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  • The LED symbol should be qualified.

  • As shown, the MOSFET will be blown.

  • A comment should be added “This is a LED strip with built in current limiting.”

Better still replace the LED symbol with a simple box labeled ”LED strip”.

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I'll edit the image for people with the same doubt I had could understand it correctly. :wink:



Have fun!

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It would be fine for RGB strips also. Of course, for an RGB strip you would need 3 of each component!

I mean RGB strips with 4 connections. The RGB strips with only 3 connections are "neopixel" individually addressable strips. You don't need any MOSFETs for that type.

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Yeah, my RGB strips are -R, -G, -B and +24V. Thanks for all guys.:wink:

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