Seeking Assistance with ADS1298 Data Retrieval on Arduino

I am reaching out for guidance and assistance with a project involving the ADS1298 integrated circuit and Arduino.

Currently, I am working on a project that requires interfacing with the ADS1298 to retrieve data. Despite my efforts, I have encountered challenges in effectively retrieving and processing the data from the ADS1298 using Arduino.

Here are some specific areas where I could benefit from assistance and clarification:

  1. Initialization and Configuration: I am uncertain about the optimal initialization and configuration settings for the ADS1298 to ensure reliable data retrieval.
  2. Data Retrieval: While attempting to retrieve data from the ADS1298 using Arduino, I have encountered issues with data consistency and accuracy. I would appreciate guidance on the recommended approach for retrieving data reliably.
  3. Signal Processing: Once data is successfully retrieved from the ADS1298, I plan to process it for further analysis. I would appreciate any insights or resources regarding signal processing techniques or libraries that can be integrated with Arduino for this purpose.

If you could provide any code snippets, tutorials, or documentation that might assist me in overcoming these challenges, I would be immensely grateful.

you could study (or use) this library

what kind of hardware are you going to use ?
Teensy has an audio lib Teensy Audio Library, high quality sound processing in Arduino sketches on Teensy 3.1

using Arduino UNO

UNO does not have much memory nor processing power, no DMA etc. What kind of signal processing do you plan to implement?

The goal now is to acquire data from a module

gee - surprising news :slight_smile:

my crystal ball is in the dishwasher....

now we currently studying the module so only using Arduino UNO

the library code can help you figure things out then

It you are having problems retrieving data then I would suspect a problem with the SPI interface.
Are you sure your connections are correct and reliable?

Can you successfully read the device ID?

no unable to read.

Then you have some serious hardware problems.
Show your ADS1290 schematic and the connections between it and the UNO


That board need 1.8V, 3.3V and 5.0V how are you supplying those voltages?

I don't know anything about the MMB0 board.
Does TI state that you can have the MMB0 connected and another processor connected to the SPI signals at the same time.

MMB0 board is used to connect the ADS1298 with a PC

I understand but can you have the MMB0 and an Arduino connected at the same time?

OK, I see how you have it connected but you only need 4 wires connected to MMB0 for the power.
What are the other MMB0 wires for?

It looks like everything is connected OK, so the problem is probably in your code.
Post your code

Which library are you using?

That library has only been tested with a Teensy and an nRF8001
No guarantee that it will work on an UNO