Sequentional LED Strip

Hi new to this forum, and actually im new to arduino also :crazy_face:
I need help from you guys.
I would like to make some kind of sequentional light sistem.
The idea is thaht when i turn on the switch the 9 rows of led strips turn on in sequentional order ( maybe with dimmer effect if possible).
I have 9 rows of 24V 9.6w/m strips.
I have no idea where to start and...Help please :grin: Cheers

What are the leds you plan to use - addressable or not?

Welcome to the forum

Install the FastLED library and look at the examples as a starting point

Just a regular LED 24V strip. Each row is less than 1m

Im new in all this arduino stuff but i will search for this...thank you :grimacing:

So not addressable LEDS ?

No, regular warm white led strip

Then ignore my advice to look at FastLED. I had assumed that they were addressable LEDs

Which Arduino do you have ?

What is "sequentional order" do you expect to view in non-addressable strips? Turn on and off whole strip?

I dont have any but i just odered the UNO R3 becouse i found one similar project and the guy used this one...
Do i need a different one?

Something like this Motion activated LED stair lighting... without staircase modification! - YouTube

There are addressable LEDS in your video

The Uno will do fine if you have the room for it and don't suddenly come up with any extra requirements

You CAN use the UNO but for fading 9 strips separately you would have to resort to software PWM. The UNO only has 6 PWM (analog-ish) outputs so if you want your 9 separate strips to each fade in or out with hardware PWM you might be better served with a MEGA.

Each strip will use a MOSFET to switch the 24V. The PWM outputs will let you fade in and out.

Im not sure but i found some controllers that are using the regular strips, the problem is that that controller is reliable and te price is to high, the second thing is that this controller use 2 sensors and the light is going off after few second.
And the nest thing is...i would like to make it by my self.....with the help from you guys off course :grin:

Thanks for your answer.
Any chance to extend/expand or what is the term those PWMs?
And if you know ..what MOSFET do i need...
I would like to order al the stuff i need for this project becouse the shipping time is ridiculously long these days :rage:

For regular non-addressable LED strips you'll need a driver circuit for each strip. Otherwise, each I/O pin can only power a couple of LEDs, and they are 5V.

Addressable LEDs have a driver built-into each LED, or driver chips built-into the strip, so they are electrically easier to use but the software is more complicated.

That driver is shown with a motor but it will work with LEDs and it will work with PWM dimming. (You can leave-out the diode since you have a non-inductive load.)

Note that the MOSFET driver is for DC (not AC).

Relays can also work but they are not dimmable and regular electro-mechanical relays also need a driver for the coil. You can get "relay boards" with the driver built-in, or there are solid state relays that can be driven directly by the Arduino. (Note that AC & DC solid state relays are not interchangeable.)

For the software, if you can blink one LED you should be able to blink multiple LEDs (or strips) in sequence.

I did some research and found a few projects with relays but i dont like relays becouse thei are noisy and big and there is no DIMM option.

PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
Dim an LED or control the speed of a motor by switching between OFF (0V) and ON (5V) very frequently. For example, 400 times a second. If the power is on briefly (say, 10% of the time) the light is dim. If the power is on most of the time (say, 90%) the LED will be fairly bright. The PWM outputs are adjustable in 256 steps from 0% to 100%.

For the MOSFETs you need:
N-Channel (not P-Channel)
Minimum 24V VDS
Minimum 9.6W (at 24V that's 400 mA)
"Logic Level" where RON is measured at 4.5V or 5.0V.
A through-hole (not surface-mount) device is easier to connect to.

Thanks for your answer.
I know what PWM is.
My question was to "make" more PWM's.. extend the number of the PWM,s :grin:
English is not my native and i might write something wrong...sorry :wink: