Hello everyone, i have a project to do which is a short circuit detector for my PFE .it tests the short circuit between 16 wires of a connector does anyone give me an advice how to begin because the time is very short and i am blocked from where to begin
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i am starter here and i have no idea about this i am sorry
I guess the easiest way would be to use an Arduino Mega because it has 32 available pins.
Your other post that hijacked an old topic has been deleted
i have to detect if there are any short circuit between two pins from the 16 pins when i send 5v ,24v or ground in one pin i have to read this voltage in only one analog pin . my 16 pins are pins of continuity which have 1 logic when they passes the current and 0 logic when they don't . but i have to make a circuit which did the same work of multimeter the difference is that the multimeter test two poles and this test 16
Testing with 24V makes it much more difficult. Can you test only with 5V?
If so, I would recommend connecting 16 wires from one end of the connector to 16 Mega pins and set the mode of those pins to INPUT_PULLUP. Connect the 16 wires from the other end of the cable to 16 more Mega pins. Change these pins to OUTPUT mode, each in turn. For each one, check the other 16 pins to check that only one pin reads LOW and the others read HIGH.
No i have to test with the ground and the 24 v too .this photo explain that the lcd shows the short circuit detected between 1 and 7,4 and 5 ,2 and 14. please if anyone can help me to do something like this
- Need a better image we can zoom in on.
...is very, very small. Do you have a bigger version?
Testing for continuity and shorts will give the same results regardless of what voltage you apply.
What's not clear at this point is whether you have access to both ends of the cable in one place (close to your test device) and what kind of connectors (if any) are on both ends.
If both ends are not in the same place, please describe how the remote end may be connected to any other electronics and what kind of connections (voltages and current sink/source capabilities) can be expected to exist on the other end.
my 16 pins are just from one side cables but the other side is a connector which is alimentated with the 5 v ,24v and gnd so i can give the alimentation in the 5v ,gnd, 24v which are right the separation in the photo
Which pins will have which voltage applied to them on the other side, and what is the current sink capability of whatever applies those voltages?
- Can you to test the cable with no power supply connected to it ?
I bring another photo that can explain more the situation the other side is a connector(like usb,rj45...)but is not usb neither rj45
the 16 pins are related to the analog pins of arduino card .i don't know if you suppose to use a multiplexer or any other components to reduce the number of inputs or components to control in the digital part like (npn ,relay,leds...)
it's just the time which is short it didn't let me to think comfortably.
it is connected to the alimentation by another 3 pins which are not integrated to the 16 pins my 16 pins only have 1 logic if they passed the current if not they are to 0 logic .they havent any voltage
- If you cannot isolate the cable and get access to the two 16 pin connectors, what you are asking will be very difficult or impossible.
Actually it is reasonably simple to test for a short if you cannot access the opposite end of the cable.
- generate an audible tone and apply it to a wire through a capacitor.
- Listen for the tone on each wire using an amplifier/speaker set up.
- If all the tone levels are the same, there is no short. Move tone to the next wire. Repeat.
- Any wire with a noticeable louder volume of the tone will be shorted to the tone wire.
- I used this method to find a usable pair of wires in a 50 pair telephone cable running between two buildings.
- At its simplest, a cable with access to both connectors, can be tested with this circuit.
However you need full access to the cable.
i need to know how to send a signal from the 24v for example to the pin 1 and check if pin 2 or 3 ....16 have this value that lead to the short circuit if not all the other 15 pins are isolated to pin 1 and the system works correctly .
this is the other side of the connector which are not a cable.
and this appears the 3 cables of alimentation and the 16 pins
please if you can analyze this and answer me