Sim800l led compatibility

Good day, I tried finding and researching on the led status and its compatibility. So far my sim800L has two LED indicator. the right side lights up for about 7 seconds while the left side led only light for every second. what does it mean?

On the printed board its the model is sim800L EVB.

As far as what I know blinking lights is searching for a network isn't it correct?

by the way Im already using 5G sim card.

When I ran and monitor the arduino thru serial monitor it initializes and says At is ok.

Any inputs are greatly appreciated.

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This modem can work with 2G (and some 3G) networks ONLY

Ty for your reply. Thats too bad for me, gotta look for 2g or 3g sim.

One is power LED another is Network LED. Power LED should be always ON when you power up the board. The network LED will blink after every three seconds, when the module is registered to the network. If Network LED is blinking every second, it means that the module is still looking for a network.

the power LED shuts off every 7 seconds and then back on again repeatedly, maybe that is my problem/ or is it just resetting?...aside from my sim 5G issue

What is the power supply that you're using?

with this sim800l v2 module, I am using 5volts power from arduino.

Arduino Uno board cannot give sufficient current to the SIM module. You have to use a separate 5V, 2A DC adapter.

ok I shall try it, use another 5v power supply. thank you

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