Simulator for Mac

I didn't get anything from my search . DO any of you folks know of a good simulator that works on a mac ?


Yes. Its web based, so anywhere.

Currently the top of the heap and only getting better.


Maybe you can try Tinkercad

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I haven't used Tinkercad except briefly long ago. If it has improved enough, it may be OK.

You need an account there. I am not sure the simulations can be shared to ppl without accounts. If so, that my be a disadvantage as few are going to join and log in just to see something.

That may not matter if thee are no plans to need to do that.

I would compare the hardware selection on offer with any simulation software I was evaluating.

wokwi is free, no need to register to use or share. You can register and get a few benefits. IDK what those would be because I went all in and now pay for it out of discretionary funds.


Thanks folks . I played with Wokwi some last nite , after this suggestion , I will give TInkercad a look also . looked at Tinkercad but not sure I want to get vested in a Autodesk program & have them start charging down the road but maybe I'm wrong on that . I thought I heard they did that with Fusion . So much to learn ,

Simul-IDE – Win / Linux / Mac

Simul-IDE looks interesting but

It is still in it's firsts stages of development, with basic functionalities

so unless you need all the other things it is starting to try and do, you are better off with a relatively mature and widely tested and used simulator.

I'll look to see if it also does, but a nice thing about the wokwi simulator is that it uses the Arduino tool chain to compile you code and the runs that code on an emulation of the chip on the board you selected.

The result is very high fidelity, that is to say it is reasonable to expect things to work the same IRL as in simulation.


Hi alto777,
I think, „Simul-IDE“ is underrated. :wink:

for example:
this DCF77-project generates and decodes the signal for „radio-controlled-clocks“.

as you see, there is a Arduino Nano as generator and a ATtiny85 works as a decoder. The generator sends (as the original transmitter in Frankfurt/Germany) in 58 seconds the complete time-protokoll for the following minute.
This test arrangement helps to develope and test all eventualities, like year-change, CET/CEST-changes, leap-second-situation and so on.

Those (and many other helpful) features works for me! :wink:
Best regards

I like that it can do a circuit with more than one microprocessor and I dare to assume that that means everything one might expect. Two sketches, all features one would have with just one to be found in both &c.

As a not-noob, I would take a project that could use that over there.

The line I quoted from the website, however, is an indication to me that one might want to dress warmly when doing, and that for a noob, anything

still in it's firsts stages of development

by which they mean

still in its first stages of development

will only throw another hammer into the blender of things inexperienced people must deal with when they get their projects going.

When I looked at simulators for the Arduino some years ago - never mind how long precisely - they were to a one definitely not ready for prime time and few seem headed in any good direction. They were so much of a problem in and of themselves that I didn't even watch to see if they would improve.

wokwi links started popping up here and I thought yeah, right! and did not waste any time even looking.

But I tried one and saw it functioning and was able to easily and quickly start tinkering with it. There have been a few problems here and there, mostly in some weedy parts of the microprocessor peripherals emulation, but the wokwi ppl have been very responsive and for most PB&J stuff it is fine.

And for better or worse, wokwi had become quite a popular tool for presentation and analysis on these fora. And evidently it has a large user base. I've always hated how a mediocre piece of software can completely kill a superior competitor, but that's been true since before Betamax v. VHS. If „Simul-IDE“ is to succeed, it will need to be better than just better.

Even though I still would say it is important to mention that one is finding what is found through use of a simulator, with wokwi that is not where I focus when something doesn't work, anymore than in 2023 a reasonable place to start pointing is a compiler error.

For some reason most of my problems al turn out to be coding errors. :expressionless:

I may try it just for fun. I do have a few multi-processor devices that would be good tests. At a glance the UI looks way more complicate, but that's not fair until I have attempted to use it.

On the other hand, time is time and it will be a glorious day to waste it in ways other than to research another simulator to which it is unlikely I would switch.

So thanks for shining the light over there. I had not looked and had not seen it before.


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That's so true also wowki have a wider number of boards there but in the race Tincercad wins in the addon feature there perfect simulator and more components

If you do not want simulator just a circuit designer you can go with the best option FRITZING

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Thanks . I spent some time with Wokwi & got part of my project loaded but when I went to find a reed switch in the component list there was not one . I don't have the horsepower to figure out how to add my own component . Next I looked at SimuIDE , from what I saw it is a paid for program & I don't want to pay for a program if I won't be able to use it . So I'm gonna give Tinkercad a spin & see where that takes me .

In real life what would activate the reed switch?

While wokwi won't let you model a servo arm with a magnet on it that activates a reed switch, you might be able to get your logic working substituting a slide switch or push button.

As you can use LEDs instead of pumps or motors or whatever.

Let us know what Tinkercod does for you reed-switch and otherwise.


The reed switch is what will be counting RPM of the motor on a lathe .I haven't had much of a chance yet to see if Tinker Cad is going be able to help me .

When your project involves real world things that any simulator might be challenged by, like tanks full of water with float valves, you have ti get creative and

try to recast your logical problem of creating the software by using various parts that are available to act as proxies in the sim.

I don't usually use a motor in a sim, I use an LED.

Float switches are just pushbuttons, and so forth.

Sometimes I write code that runs on the same Arduino and provides inputs and outputs that are hook directly to the real part of the sketch and use that code to simulate, say, a linear actuator.

I'll try to find an elaborate one later and post it.


custom parts for wokwi

has a little pulse generator, in your case maybe such a thing could be used to simulate the pulses you might expect from a reed switch in non-simulable mechanical circumstances.

I can almost always get major progress on the software part of a project without touching any real hardware other than my keyblade and mouse.

It's nice to work without worrying on things like power supply adequacy or a bad connection or broken component.



If I knew how to do any of those things you mentioned I'd be in a much better place , but I don't . I'm semi dyslexic so reading & having it sink in takes much more time than the average joe . Trying to learn something new at my age is a uphill battle . I'm trying but progress is @ a snails pace .

If you are trying to simulate external devices under the control of an arduino, consider simulating their physics and effects within the Arduino with a separate function called inside loop().

If you can simulate the device under control well enough, it makes it easier to write and test your control code.

I don't see that I mentioned anything you aren't going to run into using Tinkercod.

I understand the learning curve thing. We all bring what we can to this, and all progress differently. Sometimes it feels like a brick wall.

This project

Wokwi_badge model of problem plus solution

Has its loop() function

  • give attention to code that implements a tank with some pumps and limit switches


  • call a function that would be the loop(), where a solution can be developed.

void loop()
// run the model tank and pumps thing

// below here you have full speed loop

It depends on everyone behaving. That is to say, no one gets to block the processing with tasks that take any significant time. Everyone proceeds in tiny steps, which is the basis of "doing multiple things at once" on a simple microprocessor.

The salient feature in the hardware is the literal wire connections between the inputs and outputs of the pump model outputs (limit switch values) and the pump controller inputs that would, in real life, be coming from actual limit switches.

The slide fader controls the flow rate of "water" into the "tank".


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I've been trying to learn for a couple of years now , I'm not getting through to me . My kid helps when he can , but i've been testing his patience . Let me try to digest this for a bit .

Pretty cool simulation.

Your Wokwi implementation might benefit from a wokwi-text element or two to explain the controls or a file to add some context from the pdf in:

or @GolamMostafa 's writeup in:

I might add a bit to diagram.json to explain the controls like:

      "type": "wokwi-text",
      "id": "title1",
      "top": -473.49,
      "left": -137.03,
      "attrs": {
        "text": "Tank filling simulation\nButtons One and Two run 5/tick drain pumps\nSlide pot adjusts fill rate\nSlide switch controlls fill valve"