Sketches for TLC5940 basic functions

All - please forgive me in advance if I'm posting this to the wrong forum. Hopefully I'm in the right place though.

I'm interested in using the TI TLC5940 to drive RGB LEDS for a halloween project that I'm working on. I understand the basic principles of the chip as well as how to wire up a configuration with RGB LEDs. Have installed and wandered through the TLC5940 library. etc.

There are lots of good sketches out there that do some really sophisticated fading techniques and so on (color wheels, etc.). But, I would like to start at a more basic level and just get comfortable turning LEDS on/off. Changing the color, etc. Just to see it work so to speak. Then I'll move on to the more advanced stuff.

Does anybody know of/have a sketch that does basic RGB LED functions with the TLC5940 that I could take a peak at?


Have a look at this

If you look under examples in the Arduino IDE you will find just the very thing under the Library you installed.

Thanks Pedro147. I've watched the video. Very interesting and informative.

Grumpy_Mike. Thanks also. Funny how something is right under your nose and you can overlook it.
