Hello everyone!
I'm aiming to build a smart dog collar that can receive data from the following sensors (Pulse sensor, Accelereometer/Gyro , GPS, Sound sensor) and send it via WI-FI to a database so that it will be updated to an PHP page. I currently have: Arduino UNO, MPU6050 Accelerometer, XD-58C Pulse sensor and I'm searchig for the other components. I would like to know if the collar can be built with the specified sensors/requirements.
Thank you for your time!
If the dog is smart it's maybe wise to watch it....
Using Wifi You need to restrict the range of moving for the dog. I will say some 50 meters.
The 50 meter range won't be a problem as i'm only trying to build a prototype that can be tested.
There are better methods for communication I think. Stuff that reaches longer than Wifi. So what, good luck with Your prototype!
As long as it does not have to be fast LoRa would work fine. There are shields etc for the Arduino. LoRa (Long Range) is a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology. It is based on spread spectrum modulation techniques derived from chirp spread spectrum (CSS) technology. It was developed by Cycleo of Grenoble, France and acquired by Semtech the founding member of the LoRa Alliance.LoRan