Smart glasses build help

So, I want to create a pair of smart glasses like these:

But, I want to know what wires I should probably use and which power module I should use. Maybe if I need the 10k preset, which bluetooth module (HC-06 or HC-05) or just need to redo the whole thing.

So thanks in advance!

Will these parts work?

Your question is confusing. You can get #28 hook-up wires online. It looks like the instructions in the video used #22 which is a bit heavy for this application. And he really needs lessons on soldering.

Thanks! I also want to know if I should get rid of the 10k preset and if someone can recommend a power supply. Also, which video are you talking about?

I've never used Bluetooth modules, and what 10K preset are you referring to?

In the video that is called "DIY smart glasses under $10"

That is the one that I think is better. So if someone can tell me the wires for it and if I should change anything, that would be very helpful.

Do you guys know which wires this version probably uses?

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Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.,148850.0.html .

Can you tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

Do you guys know which wires this version probably uses?

Arduino Glasses a HMD for Multimeter |

You should try soldering really thin wires before you decide what sounds right.

I just want to know which wires, I have everything down, but the wires. So that's what I just want to know.

Did you try soldering any? Hair thin wires are a pain to most of us, why not buy a whole mess of them just to find out how it is for you?

Did you try soldering any?

No, I have to get the parts

Just try soldering thin wires to anything just to find out IF you can. Different people get different results so what YOU should use depends on YOU and not what someone else tells.