[SOLVED] Saving information to a text file.

How would I copy the Serial Monitor feed and paste it to a .txt file? I heard that an SD Card is usable to the situation so i'm just wondering how i'd be able to do that.

on the PC cut and paste.

on an sd card i dunno. You'll need to use a library, then create and open a file, write to it and close the file.

on the PC cut and paste.

I don't want to copy & paste it all the time, I'm trying so it creates a file and so it copies the serial monitor and writes the data.

If you have the SD card shield then read this:

On your PC, if you use a terminal program such as puTTY in place of the Serial Monitor you can get it to write all the incoming data to a text file.

I suspect the people who have mentioned an SD Card have been assuming you want to save the data to an SD Card attached to your Arduino. That can also be done.


Solved, thank you all for your suggestions.