Sound + Light (RGB LED) Module for Arduino Mega 2560 + Ramps 1.4 + Marlin 1.1.8

Hi everybody,

i'm tru and new to electronics...

I've build a 3D Printer, Arduino Mega 2560 + Ramps 1.4 + Marlin 1.1.8 and everything works fine.
I've add LED stripes to my Printer, works fine.

But now, i've found a solution for LED AND Sound ( controlled by g code, M150 R000 U000 B255 <- for Blue or M150 R255 U001 B00 <- to play sound file (*.ad4 files).

I've found it here: FF Module - RepRap

Then i make a PCB Board and soldered the items.
The LED Part works fine, but i can't play any soundfiles.

Possibles reasons... the SD card has no contact to the slot (SD card ist FAT16, 1GB and the *.ad4 files are ok)

Maybe i've made something wrong at the soldering, i'm new to this.

But i think, i've soldered the wrong resistors.

Would someone could tell me, if the resistors are right?

In the discription stands

Resistors (1/4W)

1 470Ω 1/4W (Busy Led)

2 4.7KΩ 1/4W (SDA,SCL lines)

3 1.5KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R1

3 2.2KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R2

3 1KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R2

(*) This resistors are used as a voltage divider to down the 5v output of Arduino I/O pins to 3.4v in my case (1.5k to pin, 3.2k (2.2k+1k in series) to Ground).

You can use 1.8K to pin and 3.3K to ground to simplify, and you will obtain 3.24v . You will need 3 of each.

But in the circuit diagram are other resistors than in the text discription.
R1 and R2 = 4.7kΩ?
R3, R4 and R5 = 1.8kΩ?
R6, R7 and R8 = 3.3kΩ?
R9 is 470Ω


You do realize that you have to buy a separate board for the sound , right ?
Read the link you posted and scroll down to the part where it says you have to order a separate board for the sound(WTV020-SD-16P).

BTW, it's not very helpful that you didn't even bother to mention WHAT you purchased.
From what I can tell it was the FF Module.
How hard is it to say:
" I bought an FF Module.." ?

But my question is, are resistors are right?
Maybe you don't even HAVE a sound board.
Did you order a WTV020-SD-16P ?

Did you read this : ?

Converting sounds to AD4 format
The WTV020 play sounds in .ad4 format. To convert your .mp3 sounds to .ad4 you can use SOMO Tool from 4dsystems ( You have a good guide of how to do in the same page.

Once converted, rename sounds like:





Copy to the Micro SD card and put the card in the WTV020 slot.

Example sounds:

Why are posting a board layout for the FF Module Shield which has absolutely NOTHING to do
with sound ?


yes, i've to plug that shield on a Arduino Uno, i know that.

But my question is, are resistors are right? As shown on the circuit diagram?
The text discription doesn't make sence to me...

When are you going to tell us what you
ordrered ?



i ordered all resistors, that ULN2003A (for the LEDs) and the Sound module (WTV020-SD-16P).
and all together, is the FF Module, which i have to plug on the arduino uno (i allready have).

I've soldered the resistors, the ULN2003A and the WTV020-SD-16P.
BUT i DON'T know, are the resistors are right!!! Under the WTV020-SD- (R6 and R7 and R8
R6 + R7 = 3.3KΩ?
R8 = 1.8KΩ?

Under the WTV020-SD- (R6 and R7 and R8
R6 + R7 = 3.3KΩ?
R8 = 1.8KΩ?

I don't know how we are supposed to answer this.
Where is the WTV020-SD ?

Do you know what you are doing ?

Hi everybody,

i'm tru and new to electronics...

So Tru, do you understand anything about the electronic circuits you build or do you just build it like a piece of Ikea furniture by following the instructions with no idea why anything is the way it is ?

Why am I saying this ?
You repeated ask about the resistors, but don't bother to mention what they are for .
You posted the text description and completely left out the MOST IMPORTANT part , that being the
title of the section the resistor are part of, namely the ULN2003 circuit.

Used to pass PWM output to RGB Led.

Resistors (1/4W)
1 470Ω 1/4W (Busy Led)

2 4.7KΩ 1/4W (SDA,SCL lines)

3 1.5KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R1

3 2.2KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R2

3 1KΩ 1/4W (Voltage divider) (*) R2

(*) This resistors are used as a voltage divider to down the 5v output of Arduino I/O pins to 3.4v in my case (1.5k to pin, 3.2k (2.2k+1k in series) to Ground).

You can use 1.8K to pin and 3.3K to ground to simplify, and you will obtain 3.24v . You will need 3 of each.

So let's try to put this all together .

  1. We have 3 SETS of resistors that form voltage dividers
  2. "These resistors are used as a voltage divider to down the 5v output of Arduino I/O pins to 3.4v"
  3. Each voltage divider consists of one 1.5k and ONE 3.2 (or 3.3k)
  4. One end of the 1.5k goes to " the pin"

What is "the pin " ?
If you look at the board layout you see Arduino digital pins 2,3,4 &5 and 9,10 & 11.

If you do a little research you will learn:

So, Arduino UNO PWM Pins are:
Pin # 3
Pin # 5
Pin # 6
Pin # 9
Pin # 10
Pin # 11

  1. So the 3 "pins" that need the voltage dividers are PWM pins 9,10 &11
    I say this because if it was the other group , then you would need 4 sets, not 3, right ?
  2. One end of the 3.2k resistor (you can use anything between 3k and 3.2k) goes to GND.
  3. The second end of the 1.5k connects to the second end of the 3.2k resistor and from
    there it goes to the ULN2003.
    The purpose of the voltage dividers is to reduce the arduino 5V PWM to 3.3 volts which
    then goes to the ULN2003 pins 1,2 &3 , so
    PWM pin 9 gets a voltage divider , the output of which goes to pin-1 of the ULN2003.
    PWM pin 10 gets a voltage divider , the output of which goes to pin-2 of the ULN2003.
    PWM pin 11 gets a voltage divider , the output of which goes to pin-3 of the ULN2003.


I can't find any proof anywhere of a connection between the voltage dividers and the ULN2003.
I am simply reasoning that what information is available suggests that the group of 3 pins that
need the voltage divider is the ONLY group of 3 pins, which are the PWM pins 9,10 and 11.
But I can't find a schematic to prove that. It's just an logical guess.
The only thing we know for sure is that they connect to "arduino I/O pins". Which ones ?
Who knows ?

So that brings us to the question:
Do you know what a voltage divider is and do you know how to make one ?
Do you know how to calculate the resistor values needed for a voltage divider ?
Do you now know WHY the voltage dividers ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE BOARD LAYOUT ? (YES or NO) ?

I don't see any connection between your questions about the resistors (which are related to the leds)
and the original problem of no sound.

(don't know why the image is rotated, but you get the idea..just turn your head sideways...)

Hi, and thank you for your information.

No, i don't unterstand electronics.

There people, who build the FF Module like its shown on that wiki page.
The Wikipage says: The Sound part and the Led part are independents.

It's never too late to learn...

You need to find a forum where you can
ask if my schematic is correct , since it
is just a a guess.

Did you do the RED sound part wiring ?
Where is the sound part documentation/Instructions ?

Have you done the BLUE Led part ?

Why don't you bring us up to speed by posting a list of everything you have completed on this project
and a photo of it ?

Do you mind if I ask you how old you are ?

What kind of sound file format are you putting on your SD card ?

Did you know you can't play mp3 files or wave files ?


The LED Part works fine, but i can't play any soundfiles.

Possibles reasons... the SD card has no contact to the slot (SD card ist FAT16, 1GB and the *.ad4 files are ok)

How did you create the *.ad4 files ?
Did you download the converter software ?