Dear friends, I've had a lots of problems with atmega328PB. So, I use it for my project. It's standalone circuit, an in it schematics is only atmega, 16MHz crystall, 2x22pF and 10K pullup for reset. So my question is do I did this schematics correct? Is reset pullup ok for atmega328PB? Sometimes I suceed in flashing code via AVRISP (Arduino nano with uploaded ArduinoISP code on it), but that is not often. It happens 1 in 50 tries. I don't know, is it programmer or bad circuit.
My friend posted question before. We changed footprint to matching one. I've checked rst connections with multimeter and everything works. I jus dont know what should a problem be anymore. Im tired of it, but I really want to get it to work. Thanks for replying.
Yes, I used autorouter on my shame. I've made 3 pcb designs. First one worked without problems. Even if I soldered 328p or 328pb on it. It was atmega328p footprint. Second one worked also, but as I said like 1 in 20 tries. Third one we suceeded in flashing code i think maybe 2 times.