Stepper motor control project help needed

Hello for all,

I am working on a project and I need some help because I am a beginner in arduino.

The main idea is this: Controlling a stepper motor (Nema 17) with Arduino Uno + L298 H bridge

It's a basic controlling of the stepper motor, these are the functions what I need:
(I've attached the control panel image)

  • direction switch: which controls the direction of the motor
  • program start push button: which starts a program of turning the motor 4 cycle turns (800 steps) and then stops.
  • loop start push button: which starts the motor, and the motor continuously running until the stop button is pressed
  • stop button: which stops the motor after pressed
  • Potentiometer 10k ohm: Speed controller of the motor

Can I do this with Arduino?
Can anybody help me writing the code? Any help is well appreciated.

Thank you!

great driver, easy to use. only real down size is that it has 4 wires so you have to step out on the 4 in the right order.

here is a link to stepper.h

there are a few options.

play with each one, it seems that each of your needs is expressed by an example.

if you want general information on steppers (a little biased against the L298) Robin2 has a good read. well worth it.

check youtube for examples. there are quite a few that offer both how-to and code.

Thank you dave-in-nj! I really appreciate your help! :slight_smile:

And can you tell me if this possible to run all of these functions only with one arduino?

You may find some useful stuff in Stepper Motor Basics.

Specialized stepper drivers make life a great deal simpler - especially if you need microstepping or high speeds.
