Stepper motor vibrates but not turining

I am using three stepper motors connected to arduino uno through CNC shield. One motor is vibrating but not turning properly. I tried by changing connections. I would be greatful for any solutions.
Thank you.

I would like to help you but more information is needed. This can be either a hardware or software or both problem. Start by posting an annotated schematic as you have wired it, not a frizzy picture. Be sure to include all power sources, grounds and other connections. Reason for the schematic I believe it is a power problem. Also let us know if you have a multimeter and know how to use it.

What stepper library are you using. Please post your code. Please read the forum guidelines to see how to properly post code and some information on making a good post.

Use the IDE autoformat tool (ctrl-t or Tools, Auto format) before posting code in code tags.

Most likely caused by faulty wiring to the stepper in my experience. You may have one end of each winding crossed over. This causes this type of problem and you may be lucky it didn't fry the driver. Make sure that A1 and A2 on the driver are wired to one winding and b1 and b2 to the other.

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