Temperature and Humidity detector with Arduino Uno Wifi board

Hi guys,

I am working on Arduino Uno WiFi board to make temp and Hum detector with DHT11 and populate data on web server or an IP address and LCD. I have already made a project where it populates the data on thingspeak and LCD. However I do not want it in thingspeak but something where I just have to type an IP address in browser and it will show the data. I am not good at coding. There are many similar projects available on internet, however every projects deals with ESP8266 and no project for the Arduino Uno WiFi. Can someone please help with the same?

Thanks with regards

You want someone to write the code for you? Try the Gigs and Collaborations forum on this site.

The Uno Wifi is basically an Uno + ESP8266.

For your project you don't need the Uno part. Get a WeMOS or NodeMCU board instead.

did you try the "Arduino Uno WiFi Dev Ed library" WebServer example from the examples in IDE?