The new look site looks terrible in ie7. The buttons are on two different levels (neither of which are on the teal bar) and the blog, forum and playground button images don't load.
Does it look better in other browsers?
The new look site looks terrible in ie7. The buttons are on two different levels (neither of which are on the teal bar) and the blog, forum and playground button images don't load.
Does it look better in other browsers?
On ie8 it looks reasonable but the answer is not to use ie...
All websites look worse on ie ;D
Can't. I've got ie7 at work and that's all I'm allowed.
There is one advantage though - on the occasion I'm called to do a bit of internal web development I only have to make it work in ie7, I don't have to make a site to work in ie7 then do a different version for every other browser
I suppose the answer is "stop slacking and get on with some work instead of farting around on the web"
It look bad on Chrome too. The FAQ, Blog, Forum and Playground buttons cannot be seen unless being moused over.
It look bad on Chrome too. The FAQ, Blog, Forum and Playground buttons cannot be seen unless being moused over.
Another reason to go with firefox then...
Another reason to go with firefox then...
That and you've nothing better to do with your RAM but hate to see it go unused
That and you've nothing better to do with your RAM but hate to see it go unused
Well at home I'm running on a 1.8Ghz with 1GB of RAM so most of the time my RAM is mainly used up. I do not normally run out though...
FYI, it works OK in Opera 10.62
for the record in firefox
@ 1024x768 on my work pc buy blog fourm and playground are the only things lined up
@ 1280x1024 at home the first set of links are aligned with the teal bar, and the second set on the right are well below it
There are some" | " in Site Sourcecode at ...
They are killing the Link Positions of Forum, Blog etc.
Maybe, the Admin is reading this.
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So if you select all.... looks like this....
on Firefox 3.6
1280x1024 on firefox 3.6.10 works perfect.
1280x1024 on ie 8 works perfect too on two different computers.
Well this is weird.
Fine here, on IE8 and Safari 5 (Windows 7).
i think they edited it cause its showing up fine now
i think they edited it cause its showing up fine now
Well we can expect a few bugs to start with can't we...
It's much better than it was anyway
Im on chrome and it looks ok, basically all browsers suck, IE7 & 8 slow my puter down, i could walk faster, anyway is'nt chrome just firefox in sheeps clothing?
Firefox is slow, safari too, worse than that im forced to use them on a Mac at work, what a combination Mac G4 & firefox, at least i get time to make a drink while the page loads, yes im a Mac hater and before i mention Amiga 3000, yes they shared the same Processor to start with but really there no contest, sorry, it's been a long day.
CBM Amiga 3000 68030-25 2mb chip 16mb fast
Could also have been a cache problem.
dont know, I have not been on my work computer since last Tuesday
dont care cause its fixed now