Troubleshooting - Weird things happening with my SD Card module

Hey everyone!

I'm having issues with my SD Card module. I'm trying to see if I can detect the SD Card with my Arduino Nano, but it doesn't work.

I was using this website:

When I got to the section " Arduino Code – Testing the SD card module with CardInfo", I kept getting the same error code:

Initializing SD card...initialization failed. Things to check:

  • is a card inserted?

  • is your wiring correct?

  • did you change the chipSelect pin to match your shield or module?

So, I tried everything that was recommended:

  1. The SD Card was indeed inserted
  2. I checked, double checked and triple checked the wiring, but everything seemed correct:
  • GND went to GND
  • VCC went to 5V
  • MISO went to D12
  • MOSI went to D11
  • SCK went to D13
  • CS went to D10 (and yes, I tried changing it to D4, and D8 just in case)
  1. I’m pretty sure I changed the CS pin to match. I mean, I set it to 10 in the program and hooked up the wires on D10 as well
  2. I doubt the card is permanently damaged. First of all, there’s no reason why it should be, and second of all, just to make sure, I plugged the SD Card onto my computer, but I was able to read it just fine

The thing is, I was doing some testing the other day and I was able to read my SD Card just fine, but now it doesn't work anymore.

Personally, I think there's a problem with my Arduino Nano but I don't know if I'm correct and if so, what it is.

I think something went wrong yesterday when I was doing some testing. I think that by accident I made a short circuit. Immediaately, I unplugged the Arduino, but it smelled burnt. However, there wasn't anything that was smoking and when I touched the components, nothing seemed very hot. So I'm not sure what happened. I'm saying all this because it might be the cause for my problems.

However, the Arduino still seems to work. At the time I was testing another program, how to interface an RTC with an Arduino, on the following site:

After letting the Arduino Nano cool down a bit, I tried the program on that website (just above) and it worked perfectly. So I thought I was saved and that I hadn't busted my Arduino Nano.

However the problems started when I switched to the second website on the SD Card module (which I listed earlier). As I explained earlier, I kept on getting the same error code. I tried just about everything for it to work. I mean it worked at one point, so why won't it work now???!!!

Eventually I decided to test it with another Arduino board I had, an Arduino Uno R3. I hooked up the SD Card module on to it and it worked first try!

But I need it to work with my Nano and I don't know what the problem is.

I don't know if it's possible that only one part part of my Arduino Nano doesn't work. Could it be the fact that I'm using an Arduino Nano instead of Uno?

Maybe it's another problem I haven't even considered...

I just have no clue and that's why I turned to the Forum for help. Maybe someone out there could help me out...

If someone finds out the problem I'll be super happy.

And if it turns out that a part of the Arduino Nano is busted would anyone know what it is that's busted and how if it's possible to fix?

Thanks again!


Your description describes how you killed the nano. Just get two more. One to test and a backup. You would need a repair station using hot air to remove a damaged component and I bet you don't have one.

Thanks for the quick response!

How exactly did I kill the Nano. So I don't do it again...

And how come one of the programs I tried works but not the other?



Logic would indicate the function that does not now work is the dead part!

If you don't know, we don't either. Never change any wiring in a powered circuit, and double or triple check the final wiring before turning on the power.

Thanks for your help guys!