I'm new on this. The last week we got an Arduino Nano and a SD Module.
We did the conexion how the Nano datasheet says, but when we use the example which the Arduino IDE offers (Archive/Examples/SD/CardInfo<>), this mesagge appears:
Initializing SD card...initialization failed. Things to check:
is a card is inserted?
Is your wiring correct?
did you change the chipSelect pin to match your shield or module?
I was looking for information about the wiring, but i didn't find anything.
The Arduino Nano has an ATMega328.
(Note that in the datasheet of the Arduino Nano, presents the configuration of the ATMega116 and the SS pin is not presented as the MOSI, MISO and SCK pins.)
The SD Module has 8 pins:
Hi, welcome to the forum.
We like to know if it is an official Arduino Nano, or a clone with different or extra pins ?
Which SD module are you using, you can copy a link to it in your post.
Can you show us a photo how you wired it ?
A 3.3V SD module can not be connected just like that to a 5V Arduino board.
The SD library assumes that pin 4 is used as CS.
On the Nano board, pin SS is pin 10, just as with the Arduino Uno.
I can't see it very well, but perhaps the SD module is powered with the 3.3V pin of the Nano ?
Use the 5V pin of the Nano to the 5V pin of the SD module. Do not connect the 3.3V of either of them.
The 3.3V of the Nano is weaker than the 3.3V of other Arduino boards.
You need a level shifter. The Arduino Nano has 5V signals, and a SD card has 3.3V signals.
A good module has level shifters and can be connected to a 5V Arduino board, like this one:
As you can see in the next links, a level shifter should be used:
You can lower the 5V levels with a few resistors, like this: