I am not sure where the best place to ask this question would be as the TTGO micro-32 has very little documentation. Anyway, I designed a custom PCB with the TTGO micro-32 microcontroller - supposedly a smaller version of the ESP32 - and it is programmed using the CP2102N. I am able to upload code to it from the Arduino IDE, but it will not run the code as far as I can tell. I can't get it to print anything in the Serial Monitor, so I have no idea what I need to do.
Here are the settings I have selected in the tools menu: Board: ESP32 Dev Module Upload Speed: 115200 CPU Frequency: 240Hz (Wi-Fi/BT) Flash Frequency: 80MHz Flash Mode: QIO Flash Size: 4MB Partition Scheme: Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS) Core Debug Level: None PSRAM: Disabled Port: COM 9 programmer: None
I would write a simple Blink program. I don't see an LED on the board so you will have to use a meter on a currently unused pin. It's where I always start with a new board.
That and check the voltage on every pin of the processor even the ground pins (using a reliable ground from the board. Verify each pins voltage makes sense to you.
Yep, i tried that earlier and it wasn't changing the state of the GPIO pin. It uploaded the code, but then just didn't do anything. I also checked the VIN and GND and everything seemed fine, so i don't know what im missing.
When you mention "custom board" I assume you mean a carrier for one of these:
When you were checking the state of an IO pin did you use the "Blink w/o delay" from the examples or did you add it into your current program? I would use the B w/o D minimal code for a test.
I've never used this device, does it need a special board support file(s)? Does your device have a bootloader installed (by the supplier?)?
I'm guessing because there is no "development board" (that I could easily find) you don't know if the issue is program, board support or hardware.
your posted schematic is pretty illegible , but I don't think I see the usual transistor-based flipflop for getting the modules into and out of "upload" mode...
The ESP32 "boot mode" requires manipulation of 2 or 3 pins (RESET + some GPIO pins that indicated "boot mode.") See Boot Mode Selection - ESP32 - — esptool.py latest documentation
To get the sort of auto-upload functionality that Arduino users are used to, I think (I'm not an ESP32 expert) usually accomplished by fiddling with the DTR and RTS pins, and a sort of set/reset flipflop circuit to make the states last long enough.
Here's an example. The fliplop is the part circled in orange in the lower left corner...