TZT ESP32 2.4" LCD w/ touchscreen

Hi All!
I purchased four of these boards thinking they were CYDs. Close but no cupie doll.

Does anyone have any pinout info for this board? The LCD and touchscreen definitions I use for the ESP32-2432S028R (ie the standard CYD defs) talk to WIFI but not the LCD or touchscreen.

The boards came with a working demo programmed in, so I know the hardware is working.
I have tried reaching out to the manufacturer but so far, no answer. Their web page is here: TZT ESP32 LVGL WIFI&Bluetooth Development Board 2.4 inch LCD TFT Module 240*320 Smart Display Screen With Touch WROOM - TFT/OLED Display Module - TUOZHANTENG HK co.,LTD
Any help is much appreciated.

I have the same bard and git the screen to work. Backlight IO is different:
#define TFT_BL 27

I still haven't figured out the touch...

Did you find out more?


Hi Marcus,

I kind of gave up on that board and bought a handful of ‘proper’ CYD boards (at an even lower price).

I have an LVGL project that I need consistency for so I’ll come back to the 2.4” boards at some later date and use them for little projects around my house (or not) …

I did find the attached documentation though – hope it helps :blush:


Getting started 2.4 Inch.pdf (6.04 MB)
ESP32-2432S024 Specifications-EN.pdf (786 KB)

Hi Phil,
thanks for the infos. I think they are not quite accurate. The seller now promised to send the appropriate documentation. There seen to be over a dozen CYD-style boards.

Hi Marcus,

The files came directly from the manufacturer so….