Ublox M8N M9N SPI

Has anyone been able to receive location messages from a Ublox module, e,g, M8N M9N using SPI? Arduino or PIC

I'm using a PIC.
Cheers, Camerart.


Maybe the Ublox module used here is different from your one. But this may help you a bit: Interfacing GPS Module with PIC Microcontroller

Hi J and B,
I see that the example uses UART not SPI, but thanks.

I have all of the manuals and searched for any information, and been trying with Ublox online help, but even though the M8N and M9N show they use SPI, I haven't seen any hard evidence that they can do SPI.

If there is any actual results, then I would greatly appreciate some clues please.

Did you try the Ublox forum, they have answered my posts in the past .........


The device data sheet is a legal document. If the data sheet states that the device supports SPI, you have a legal guarantee that it does.

This thread should be helpful: SPI communication between GPS and microcontroller

Sparkfun shows the SPI connections: GPS-RTK Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

Hi S and J,
Yes, as mentioned I used the Ublox online forum.

I previously PMed and am waiting for a reply from the offered thread, noting that he didn't get results either.

I have seen the Sparkfun examples of how to do it.

Is there anyone here, that has actual results, please?

This is the Arduino forum. For help with PICs, post on the Microchip forum.

Hi J,
I understand that, this just shows how desperate I am.
Sorry for trying your forum, I would even settle for an Arduino answer.
Cheers, C

But not desperate enough to write some code, and get it working by yourself.

Hi J,
Don't be cheeky.

I've been trying and writing CODE for months on this.

Keep smiling.

But could not bother to post a single line of it. We do believe you, though.

If you try this with an Arduino, people will be interested. For informed help, please read and follow the instructions in the "How to get the best out of this forum" post.

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