Unable to see last posts or unread posts

Dear David,

I am vffgaston. I have been using the forum for almost a year. I find it very useful and I've found valuable help a dozen of times. By my side, I have helped some people too.

The point is that since the last maintenance I AM UNABLE to see my "last posts", neither the "unread posts" neither the "updated topics". I got an error message that says to me to "contact the moderator . . ."

Please, can you help me?. Is it possible to recover lost fuctionality?.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

The point is that since the last maintenance I AM UNABLE to see my "last posts", neither the "unread posts" neither the "updated topics". I got an error message that says to me to "contact the moderator . . ."

What I use as a workaround (it shows a list of all posts you have responded to) is Watched Topics
Updated posts are marked "New". I've bookmarked this for quick access.

... still waiting for the "unread posts" and "updated topics" to get fixed.

@vffgaston: you can still access your last posts via your forum profile. Here is a link to your last posts:

What I use as a workaround (it shows a list of all posts you have responded to) is Watched Topics
Updated posts are marked "New". I've bookmarked this for quick access.

... still waiting for the "unread posts" and "updated topics" to get fixed.

@vffgaston: you can still access your last posts via your forum profile. Here is a link to your last posts:

thank you both.