Hello, everybody!
Can someone explain me what is the main difference between those two?
Is that correct that both of them is Arduino Uno?
I bought that Kit on e-bay,
and then have discovered that is lot of any Arduino Uno on the market.
Many thanks! =)
The two shown at the top are a high quality Arduino Uno clone with the SMD chip, and an official board, with the through-hole chip in a socket (this has the advantage that you can replace the chip).
The Infiniduino or w/e is kinda nice, in that it's got a better 3.3v regulator, and smarter positioning of the reset button when using shields (with the right angle bit).
There are also a huge variety of Uno clones available with varying levels of build quality and extras. The cheapest are around $4 on ebay. These are no-frills, and use the low-cost CH340G usb serial adapter, instead of the atmega16u2. The 16u2 has the advantage that it can be reprogrammed (but hardly anyone does this). CH340G units use different drivers than the official ones - but they work just as well. These range up to units costing $10-20, which have higher build quality, use the 16u2 (or FT232) for usb serial, and may have additional improvements, like better voltage regulators (the one on the official board is kinda crappy), additional connection points, etc.
All of the ones that call themselves Unos should be usable through the IDE as such (barring damage or mfg defect, which is not unheardof with cheap chinese boards) - as they are all essentially just an ATMega328p to shield connector breakout board with a serial adapter and voltage regulator on-board.