Upload code to Arduino Mega via FT232

Dear all,

I am making custom Arduino Mega. Based on references design, Arduino Mega upload code via Atmega 16. However, my area do not have that MCU. Therefore, I would like to use FT232 as a replacement. The wiring is as follow

FT232 ------- Arduino Mega
CTR No wiring
5V 5V
DTR Capacitor 100nF - Reset (with pull up resistor)

Will the replacement with FT232 will suitable for Arduino Mega, please let me know!

Thank you!!!

Yes it is suitable.
In fact the early version of Arduino used FT232RL. Arduino Nano still has FT232RL. You can look at the schematics for Nano or e.g. Arduino Duemilanove in legacy products.

This should work in principle.
Bear in mind that a new ATMega controller has no bootloader loaded. You need to program a bootloader to it and set the 'fuses' using ISP programming. I prefer to use an USB-ASP device for this, but an Arduino board can also be used as an ISP programmer.

You might also consider the CH340G. Much cheaper than the FT232R

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