Using Arduino Uno with RN-42 BT module, works with Pro but not Uno

Ok, so I have an RN-42 bluetooth module, it plugs right into my Arduino Pro (3.3v, 8MHz). Works flawlessly, I can remotely drive a little remote control car with it via my laptop and a bluetooth connection. I use PUTTY to connect it (115200 baud, COM3).

Here is my bluetooth module Bluetooth Mate Silver - WRL-10393 - SparkFun Electronics

Now, I'm trying to use it with my Arduino Uno (5v, 16MHz). I can't get it to do anything. I'm trying to program just a basic program to get it to print back to me so I know that it is working. I just simplified down my car code for the pro to test the uno. I can't get anything to work. I tried just using pins 0 and 1 on the Uno, which say RX and TX by them. I tried hooking them up RX to RX with bluetooth and RX to TX, neither one gave me any response. I tried declaring two other pins as my RX and TX for the Uno, but I may not have done it correctly. I can't even get the RX or TX leds on the Uno to light up. My code is below, and any help would be so greatly appreciated. I would much prefer to use my Uno as to my Pro. Thanks!

char key;// variable to receive data from the serial port
char q;
int led = 4;

void btooth(void)
  if( key == 'q' )               // if 'q' is pressed led is off
  digitalWrite(led, LOW); 
  Serial.println("led off");
  key = q;
  key =;
  if( key == 'w' )               // if 'w' is pressed led is on
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH); 
  Serial.println("led on");
  key = q;
  key =;
}//end btooth

void setup()
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(115200);       // start serial communication at 115200bps
}//end setup

void loop()
}//end loop

What are you plugging the Blue Tooth module into? Certainly not the USB port.

I'm running 3.3V from the arduino uno to the btooth power pin, and connecting the RX or the BT to the TX of the Uno, and the TX of the BT to the RX of the uno. The CTS and RTS (I think that's the pin names) are left open, as I read elsewhere before.

RN-42 uses 3.3v logic as well as power, the arduino uno uses 5v logic, you probly fried the rn42 unit.
you need a logic level converter or to use a simple voltage divider