Ok, so I have an RN-42 bluetooth module, it plugs right into my Arduino Pro (3.3v, 8MHz). Works flawlessly, I can remotely drive a little remote control car with it via my laptop and a bluetooth connection. I use PUTTY to connect it (115200 baud, COM3).
Here is my bluetooth module Bluetooth Mate Silver - WRL-10393 - SparkFun Electronics
Now, I'm trying to use it with my Arduino Uno (5v, 16MHz). I can't get it to do anything. I'm trying to program just a basic program to get it to print back to me so I know that it is working. I just simplified down my car code for the pro to test the uno. I can't get anything to work. I tried just using pins 0 and 1 on the Uno, which say RX and TX by them. I tried hooking them up RX to RX with bluetooth and RX to TX, neither one gave me any response. I tried declaring two other pins as my RX and TX for the Uno, but I may not have done it correctly. I can't even get the RX or TX leds on the Uno to light up. My code is below, and any help would be so greatly appreciated. I would much prefer to use my Uno as to my Pro. Thanks!
char key;// variable to receive data from the serial port
char q;
int led = 4;
void btooth(void)
if( key == 'q' ) // if 'q' is pressed led is off
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
Serial.println("led off");
key = q;
key = Serial.read();
if( key == 'w' ) // if 'w' is pressed led is on
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
Serial.println("led on");
key = q;
key = Serial.read();
}//end btooth
void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(115200); // start serial communication at 115200bps
}//end setup
void loop()
}//end loop