UVI sensor arduinio compatible that works with reptile UVA-UVB lamp ?

Hi all,

I'm struggling to find a UV sensor that is compatible with reptile UVA-B lamp
I would like to find a sensor that is capable of giving me the UV index in the end

I already tried :

VEML6075 => KO because it need the full sun light spectrum to work correctly

GUVA-S12SD=> KO, values I get on the analog pin from the wemos D1 mini are way too high, 30cm from the lamp I should get something around the 8 UVI and sensor with formula ( UVI = (analogRead(A0)/1024*3.3)/0.1 ) give me an analogRead(A0) of 1024 which means 33 UVI... which is impossible at that distance, I tested my 7 UVB lamp ( same brand, same UVB % output ) and they all gave the same results

Does someone already worked with a sensor that worked with reptile lamp ? if so, please enlighten me :smiley:

Regards !


For the VEML6075, did you try it with IT_800 and DYNAMIC_HIGH?

I think I tried them before but redid the setup right now and here is the output I have with my UVA UVB arcadia 12% light, constructor claim they output 8.5 UVI at 30cm from light

I get 0.0UVI at 30 cm and if I place the sensor just 1cm under the light I get 1.0 UVI

This is the code in the setup

  while(VEML6075.begin() != true) {
    Serial.println("VEML6075 begin faild");
  Serial.println("VEML6075 begin successed");

and this is in the loop

void loop() {

  float       Uva = VEML6075.getUva();                    // get UVA
  float       Uvb = VEML6075.getUvb();                    // get UVB
  float       Uvi = VEML6075.getUvi(Uva, Uvb);            // get UV index

The library I use is the DFRobot_VEML6075, no filter on the sensor

If I set to DYNAMIC_NORMAL I get higher values but not that much... 1.8 UVI at 1cm, 0.1 UVI at 30cm...

same if I also set the IT to 100ms, I get at max 1.9 UVI, which is about the same UVI as I get outside right now when sensor is pointed to the sun, in Belgium, in winter... the reptile light I test right now is brand knew and is supposed to mimic the UVI you get in the desert ...

Outside, the sensor is working fine but it is not working with UVB lamps for reptile ( ProT5 - Arcadia Reptile )

I've used it with the sparkfun library, which seems to be idenical to the DFRobot lib
However I have only used it outside in the sun
Sorry no help.

The UV index is a very rough indicator, useful only for warning about possible overexposure. No sensor can make a very meaningful comparison between solar irradiation under given atmospheric conditions, and a given UV lamp, which emits light only in certain wavelength bands.

I think the best you can do with something like a reptile lamp is to follow manufacturer's instructions, and possibly, user experience. Surely there are forums where people share advice.

There is a single company that sells something called the solarmeter 6.5 which display how much UVI you get from reptile lamps but also from the sun, it's the same device that work with both source of light and it is used widely in herpetology but it is quite expensive, 250€...

If they can do it, I suppose that they use a sensor to measure something and the. In the end they display UVI

Major reptile companies mention ferguson zone ( 1 to 4 ) Ferguson zones are in relation with UVI
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cklUCpqsBp0/maxresdefault.jpg and a lot of them use the UVI sensor from solarmeter, even in their datasheet

So I suppose that out there somewhere there is a UV sensor that work for both sun and UVB lamps

The problem is calibrating the sensor, which is why the device from the company you mention is expensive.

Any certified, calibrated sensor is expensive, because you have to pay someone to design, build and then hand calibrate each individual sensor.

250€ is not surprising, nor unreasonable, especially considering the limited market.

I am not looking for something very precise, a rough estimate would be good for me, I already follow the manufacturer recommended distance between light and reptile, those UVB lamp need to be replaced every year BUT with the reptile shop owner that I know well we have noticed that UVB tube from arcadia are so good that their lifespan can almost reach 2 year sometimes which is good because a tube cost between 30 and 40€ ( I have 14 lizard in total, so 14 tubes ), it's economical and ecological !

I like to play around with esp and arduino stuff that's why I try to make my own UVI meter but if nothing works I will end up buying the expensive meter :slight_smile:

I have ordered the LTR390, I'll give a feedback, maybe that might be usefull in the future for someone :slight_smile: