Someone can say to me since I can measure the current of 110v or 220v with the arduino :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Please tell us more of what you want to do. This is too general. How much current? What do you want to do with the reading?


Hurry and get one of these:

And use the RS232 to talk to the Arduino.

I do not have confidence that you should be messing around with the mains voltage.

@lolo702, there is no need to be brief. Describe what you want to do, and the problem you are having doing it, with more detail. Use a few sentences or paragraphs.

Use a transformer or a hall sensor to couple the current into the analog input of the arduino.

eg:SparkFun Hall-Effect Current Sensor Breakout - ACS712

get a ferrite bead and wind 1/2 winding with your AC put another N windings into the analog input, calibrate.