Hello, I'm new to this forum. I want to record audio using Arduino. For that, I'm using VS1053 with the Ogg recording option. I tried with adafruit vs1053 library examples. But recorded sounds were glitching sounds not audio. I copied the v44k1q05.img to the sd card also. I checked the wiring. it can play mp3 files. I'm facing a problem with recording. Please can someone help me?`
// include SPI, MP3 and SD libraries
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_VS1053.h>
#include <SD.h>
// define the pins used
#define RESET 9 // VS1053 reset pin (output)
#define CS 10 // VS1053 chip select pin (output)
#define DCS 8 // VS1053 Data/command select pin (output)
#define CARDCS A0 // Card chip select pin
#define DREQ 3 // VS1053 Data request, ideally an Interrupt pin
#define REC_BUTTON 7
Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer musicPlayer = Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer(RESET, CS, DCS, DREQ, CARDCS);
File recording; // the file we will save our recording to
#define RECBUFFSIZE 128 // 64 or 128 bytes.
uint8_t recording_buffer[RECBUFFSIZE];
void setup() {
Serial.println("Adafruit VS1053 Ogg Recording Test");
// initialise the music player
if (!musicPlayer.begin()) {
Serial.println("VS1053 not found");
while (1); // don't do anything more
musicPlayer.sineTest(0x44, 500); // Make a tone to indicate VS1053 is working
if (!SD.begin(CARDCS)) {
Serial.println("SD failed, or not present");
while (1); // don't do anything more
Serial.println("SD OK!");
// Set volume for left, right channels. lower numbers == louder volume!
// when the button is pressed, record!
digitalWrite(REC_BUTTON, HIGH);
// load plugin from SD card! We'll use mono 44.1KHz, high quality
if (! musicPlayer.prepareRecordOgg("v44k1q05.img")) {
Serial.println("Couldn't load plugin!");
while (1);
uint8_t isRecording = false;
void loop() {
if (!isRecording && !digitalRead(REC_BUTTON)) {
Serial.println("Begin recording");
isRecording = true;
// Check if the file exists already
char filename[15];
strcpy(filename, "RECORD00.OGG");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
filename[6] = '0' + i/10;
filename[7] = '0' + i%10;
// create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write
if (! SD.exists(filename)) {
Serial.print("Recording to "); Serial.println(filename);
recording = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE);
if (! recording) {
Serial.println("Couldn't open file to record!");
while (1);
musicPlayer.startRecordOgg(true); // use microphone (for linein, pass in 'false')
if (isRecording)
if (isRecording && digitalRead(REC_BUTTON)) {
Serial.println("End recording");
isRecording = false;
// flush all the data!
// close it up
uint16_t saveRecordedData(boolean isrecord) {
uint16_t written = 0;
// read how many words are waiting for us
uint16_t wordswaiting = musicPlayer.recordedWordsWaiting();
// try to process 256 words (512 bytes) at a time, for best speed
while (wordswaiting > 256) {
//Serial.print("Waiting: "); Serial.println(wordswaiting);
// for example 128 bytes x 4 loops = 512 bytes
for (int x=0; x < 512/RECBUFFSIZE; x++) {
// fill the buffer!
for (uint16_t addr=0; addr < RECBUFFSIZE; addr+=2) {
uint16_t t = musicPlayer.recordedReadWord();
//Serial.println(t, HEX);
recording_buffer[addr] = t >> 8;
recording_buffer[addr+1] = t;
if (! recording.write(recording_buffer, RECBUFFSIZE)) {
Serial.print("Couldn't write "); Serial.println(RECBUFFSIZE);
while (1);
// flush 512 bytes at a time
written += 256;
wordswaiting -= 256;
wordswaiting = musicPlayer.recordedWordsWaiting();
if (!isrecord) {
Serial.print(wordswaiting); Serial.println(" remaining");
// wrapping up the recording!
uint16_t addr = 0;
for (int x=0; x < wordswaiting-1; x++) {
// fill the buffer!
uint16_t t = musicPlayer.recordedReadWord();
recording_buffer[addr] = t >> 8;
recording_buffer[addr+1] = t;
if (addr > RECBUFFSIZE) {
if (! recording.write(recording_buffer, RECBUFFSIZE)) {
Serial.println("Couldn't write!");
while (1);
addr = 0;
if (addr != 0) {
if (!recording.write(recording_buffer, addr)) {
Serial.println("Couldn't write!"); while (1);
written += addr;
if (! (musicPlayer.sciRead(VS1053_SCI_AICTRL3) & (1 << 2))) {
recording.write(musicPlayer.recordedReadWord() & 0xFF);
return written;