WARNING - this will make you feel inadequate

Brain - from Pi
Body - from Arduino

You have been warned.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here;

I think you will find this thread about building that cat.


And here;


Tom.... :slight_smile:

That's amazing.

I have seen a video of the Boston Dynamics Dog and I never imagined it could be replicated with an RPi and Arduino.


open cat sound scary, just sayin....

That's amazing.

I have seen a video of the Boston Dynamics Dog and I never imagined it could be replicated with an RPi and Arduino.


It does not just replicate it it goes further - it responds to voice commands and purrs when stroked!

@TomGeorge I missed the other posts, thanks for the links.

It does not just replicate it it goes further - it responds to voice commands and purrs when stroked!

@TomGeorge I missed the other posts, thanks for the links.

Wait a minute ... this robot cat self replicates? Not with robot dog parts I hope!

Thinking more about this - why isn't that guy employed by some high-tech company on a salary of $unsgned long


open cat sound scary, just sayin....

What must the mice be like? double scary ! ! !

Opps wrong type of mouse....
Tom... :o :o :o :o

What must the mice be like? double scary ! ! !

Real scary will be when they get the size down to about 20mm x 10mm and there are 1000 of them coming at you.


Real scary will be when they get the size down to about 20mm x 10mm and there are 1000 of them coming at you.


Solution; Throw a neodymium magnet among them.... :o

Solution; Throw a neodymium magnet among them.... :o


Maybe that is the equivalent of confronting the Daleks with a staircase


Daleks have been observed to go up and down stairs with no problems. There was one planet though, where they had to stay on their metal "walk"ways and could not roam the planet at will. I forget why. Something in the sand, I think. It was rather obviously a thin layer of sand spread on an indoor sound stage so the Daleks should have had no problems.

In the original first DrWho and Dalek episode Ian disabled the Dalek by running it onto a blanket.
At that stage they got their power through the metal floor.

Tom... :slight_smile:
I know cos I watched it when the first series originally aired on the telly.