Wavgat - virus in drivers

Hi! I did not find an official website for which I could download drivers for WAVGAT uno r3, but I found these drivers and they have a virus in the liblares folder (I see it on virustotal), I wanted to ask if it is enough to drag the hardware folder to arduino ide. Does anyone know the official source of these drivers? Does anyone know if WAVGAT is a good clone?

If it is a good clone, you don't need their drivers. It should work just like a genuine Arduino Uno R3.

wavgat problems... - Using Arduino / Installation & Troubleshooting - Arduino Forum

You should try to search the forum before asking a question. Odds are it has already been asked.

Nope, literally the jankiest one made

Why you think it's the worst? It is not expensive, I do not know much about it because I will collect the package on Monday.

Sorry, that phrase means absolutely nothing to me, and use of the word "literally" adds nothing.

How many clones were tested, what tests were performed, and by what evaluation criteria were the clones ranked?

Janky - of extremely poor or unreliable quality
OED 1989

Even with the 341 drivers installed it requires additional software added to the IDE to work properly. They also have issues if you develop for them and other boards in the same folder. I tossed mine in for recycling last year.
If you don't mind maintaining two IDE installations with separate folders for your sketches and libraries, then they are just fine though.

To summarize then, you tried a WAVGAT board and had problems with the IDE interface software.

No, there are a lot of other issues as well. I suspect the chip marked as a 328p is counterfeit, based on a few strange behaviors. Side by side with an actual 328p they offer different readings from an LDR with a controlled light source. Amongst other issues.
Feel free to try them yourself.

Ah, perceived deficiencies are still on an anecdotal basis.

I understand that you had a bad experience, so thanks.

Not sure what I did to earn your scorn.
All I did was advise against a piece of hardware that I've had experience with and apparently you haven't, but I'll just leave this thread to you.
Good day.

As I suspected, you have no basis for making this particular statement. So why should I be impressed?

His basis for making that statement is, as stated, first hand experience. The only thing lacking from the claim is "in my experience".

This thread is not about you. If you continue trying to make it about you you will be spending a significant amount of time away from the forum.

I guess it is using this chip: Lgt8f328p manufactured by Logic Green.
It is "near compatible" with the ATMEGA328P, in fact it is actually better specified, for example, it can run at 32MHz and has a 12bit ADC. However, it is more complicated to use with the Arduino IDE, requiring some software and configuration changes.
Google for it. There are lots of projects to integrate it with Arduino.
Having said all that, most users are better of with a device using a genuine ATMEGA328P chip and the Lgt8f328p is for those who really like experimenting.

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Where did you find them?

Which file in the "liblares" folder?

Please provide the link to the VirusTotal page with the results.

Please provide the link to the online listing you purchased the board from.

Or as WAVGAT puts it:


(when you check the Arduino boards platform they provide in the product listing, you can see it is indeed for the Logic Green chips)

But they also sell other boards which don't state a requirement on that custom boards platform, so it may be that they are not all using the Logic Green chips.

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I downloaded some random ones from the internet for this tile, they all had a virus

E2PROM folder and PMU folder.

In my country there is an Allegro website where people can sell their stuff, I bought a kit with "arduino leonardo" but after looking closely at the picture of the kit, I saw that the logo differs from the original.

And I have a question, it can be said whether this small arduino next to the big one is the original?

Unfortunately the results don't seem to indicate which files within the ZIP were detected. It would be interesting to have more granular details about it.

I see the update.rar file linked from the official product listing also has similar detections:

It is hard to tell for sure from the picture, but I don't see anything there equivalent to an Arduino Leonardo.

It looks like there is an Uno derivative and a Nano derivative.

It is unfortunate if the seller misrepresented their product. With enough perseverance you can definitely have a lot of fun and learn a lot from the things in this kit though.

I am 100% certain it is not an official Arduino product.

My guess is that it is an Arduino Nano derivative that uses the CH340 USB chip instead of the FTDI FT232. The question remains whether it has an ATmega328P microcontroller like the official board or the Logic Green (most likely LGT8F328P) semi-compatible chip.

On Monday or Tuesday I will send more detailed photos, because then the package will arrive

It is not a Leonardo because the cable in the picture is usb A / usb B . Leonardo uses a micro usb I think

Cheap Chinese suppliers are not bound to use the same USB port type as ARduino themselves.
So type A or B or even C etc. in some cases means almost nothing.
Do a search for "wavgat" in the forum and you will find that many people have, or may still have issues.

Had one here a long time ago and it would not run the sketches I needed.
In the end I just threw it in the bin and went back to more reputable suppliers.

Never had issues with virus but then again I used the OFFICIAL 340/341 drivers.
There have been cases of chinese drivers being faulty and some very very rare occasions where they were not packaged correctly and identified as a risk.

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