What are the PWR/GND pins labeled on MEGA 2560 common with?

I'm referring to the 2 PWR/GND labeled on the ends of the digital bus/port and the GND pin just above P13 on the Arduino Mega 2560.
They do not map to the left side pwr bus with RESET, 3.3V, 5V, GND, GND.

are you asking if the pins pointed by the red arrows are connected to the corresponding pins where the purple arrow is ?

In my Arduino MEGA, I have found (Fig-1):
1. All five GND pins (Black Line) are shorted together.
2. All three 5V pins (Red Line) are shorted together



Hmm, They are exclusive on the board I looked at, I will recheck. Thanks for your response.


What do you mean by exclusive?
The GND pins connect to a GND mask that goes over a large part of the PCB for example, so they are the same thing.


Thanks for responding, I meant that the PS pins were not tied together. I was wrong, however; I am using a piggyback board and did not realize the pin shift on the left (looking at the foil side of the board). The power pins between the digital pins opposite the power and usb side are connected with the rest of the power pins but I did not finish soldering the dual pin header when I first looked.

Yes my bad, thanks again for responding.


It’s OK - have fun !

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