For my final year project (BSc computer science with artificial intelligence) I have decided to create a bot using computer vision and natural language analysis to move.
So instead of sensors it will read signs, words on paper, traffic lights et cetera. Therefore I'd require at least one camera with depth perception and colour.
What I want as well is internet connectivity for a connection to a database (a black box) and potentially ChatGPT implementation.
Obviously, the robot has to move, so wheels or caterpillar tracks.
Now I'm mostly experienced in Python so I hope that there also is a microcontroller that supports my wishes and is open to expansion.
My budget is =< 500 GBP, however I won't mind stretching the budget a bit if the added quids allow for bigger modularity, accessibility and higher build quality.
The Raspberry Pi or other similar board that implements a linux OS is pretty much the minimum that supports full blown Python, internet connections and cameras capable of depth perception and computer vision.
Most people use two cameras for depth, with stereo image processing.
Or there are other "single board computers" that are more powerful than the Raspberry Pi and you could run Windows if you wanted to.
I've never used the Raspberry Pi, but it seems to be a great value!
The Arduino is generally easier to interface with "simple hardware" where you don't have (or need) a driver but it has limited processing power.
If you aren't already playing around with robotics I'm a little concerned that you might get bogged-down in the robotics/mechanics/electronics...
That's interesting! Is that what they are focusing-on in schools these days? I would have assumed C/C++ and maybe Java. I would also assume that you've used multiple programming languages but you can't be an expert in all of them...
If you aren't already playing around with robotics I'm a little concerned that you might get bogged-down in the robotics/mechanics/electronics...
I don't really expect to have a working prototype before January anyway. two-thirds of the project will be simulations and hypothesis testing. But at least it'll be something that's fun to explore.
I would have assumed C/C++ and maybe Java.
My course is AI orientated so we got JAVA as an introduction to programming, and Python has most necessary ML/AI frameworks like TensorFlow, OpenCV, NLTK et cetera. Personally no experience with C/C++, partly because that's not required in my field, partly because I'm not familiar with it. And my project backlog is quite long so I need to find some time as well .
Since your field is CSc not Mech Engineering you might can just get a kit car and use the wheel base and motors. If that is verboten, you might want to get one anyway and just replicate more or less the mechanical aspects using the kit as your model.
You can sign up for an RPi at Adafruit (and possibly other shops) for email notification of stock arrival, but you have to be fast. They are gone in minutes.