What kind of protocol does the HX711 use?

This HX711 chip uses some kind of serial protocol. Here's the reference:


And here's the library:

It uses a clock line and a data line. It's not serial (it doesn't have a clock). It has a data and a clock signal - does that mean it's I2C? But it doesn't call it SCL and SDA. If I need to reproduce that library for a different microcontroller, how do I do it?


The HX711 data sheet describes the serial protocol well enough that you should be able to write code for any processor, especially if you follow the C code example in the data sheet.

Yes, it uses a clock line to sequence the bits.

The HX711 data sheet describes the serial protocol well enough that you should be able to write code for any processor, especially if you follow the C code example in the data sheet.

Yes, it uses a clock line to sequence the bits.

Yeah, they go into quite a lot of detail on the timing. But I was wondering if this falls into one of the named protocols? Just trying where it is in the list of different clocked protocols.

Hello, did you get the protocol? I also would like to know if it is I2C or SPI

Hello, did you get the protocol? I also would like to know if it is I2C or SPI

1. If it would been an I2C Protocol, the HX711 chip should contain a provision to contain 7-bit I2C address and an I2C Logic/Interface. The Fig-1 shows a digital interface which is not an I2C Interface.

Figure-1: Typical connection diagram of HX711 chip with a load cell

2. If it would been a SPI Protocol, the HX711 chip should have a SPI interface; but, HX711does not contain such interface.

3. What is this interface for the HX711 chip?
It is a customized serial interface which has no standardized rules like the I2C Standard/protocol. The manufacturer has said that the HX711 chip is a free-running chip (it does not need any command to begin data conversion); the data lines remains at LH-state as long as data conversion is going on; at the end of data conversion, the data line assume LL-state; to bring out data bit one-after-another (with MSBit first, Fig-2) one has to assert clock pulse at the clock-pin.

Figure-2: Timing diagram of HX711 chip

4. The following sketch is the translation of the timing diagram of Fig-2. This sketch reads 10 samples of data from a load cell, averages them, and show the averaged value on the Serial Monitor.

/* This program takes 10 samples from LC + HX711B at
   1-sec interval and then computes the average.

unsigned long x = 0, y=0;
unsigned long dataArray[10];
int j = 0;
void setup()
  pinMode(A1, INPUT); //data line  //Yellow cable
  pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);  //SCK line  //Orange cable

void loop()

  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    digitalWrite(A0, LOW);//SCK is made LL
    while (digitalRead(A1) != LOW) //wait until Data Line goes LOW
      for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)  //read 24-bit data from HX711
        clk();      //generate CLK pulse to get MSB-it at A1-pin
        bitWrite(x, 0, digitalRead(A1));
        x = x << 1;
      clk();  //25th pulse
      Serial.println(x, HEX);
      y = x;
      x = 0;
    dataArray[j] = y;

  Serial.println("===averaging process=========");
  unsigned long sum = 0;

  for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    sum += dataArray[j];
  Serial.print("Average Count = ");
  sum = sum / 10;
  Serial.println(sum, HEX);
 // float W = (float)0.90*(sum-901002)/946560 + 0.75;//0.005331 * sum - 1146.176;
  //W = (float)W / 1000.00; 
  Serial.println(W, 2);

void clk()
  digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(A0, LOW);
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The SparkFun product page claims that it's "a true I2C interface" . Which it isn't.

This HX711 library calls it "non-i2c compliant two wire protocol" . Which is accurate.

The SparkFun product page claims that it's "a true I2C interface" . Which it isn't.

This HX711 library calls it "non-i2c compliant two wire protocol" . Which is accurate.

Technically, it says IF you want true I2C interface, then use their Qwiic Scale product instead. Here's the link: