white boxes on 16x2 lcd

ok i know this is not a very new topic

but i have been unable to find proper solution to my problem

i have checked my connections properly and also i am using the same HELLO WORLD code as shown in liquid crystal library but all I see is white boxes on the top row and nothing on the bottom .

i have connected my lcd to arduino uno using the following diagram(https://www.arduino.cc/en/uploads/Tutorial/LCD_Base_bb_Fritz.png)

please help me out because i am kind of frustarted now

As there are thousands of failure constellation possible with LCDs, the wiring and the constructor -> please post your example sketch, what library you use and the wiring (precise picture showing your soldered connections between display and Arduino).

I suspect the wiring in combination with the constructor (given that the soldered connections are really well done).

but i have been unable to find proper solution to my problem . . . please help me out because i am kind of frustarted now

Even a casual glance at some of the previous posts on this topic should have told you that we really can't help without seeing a photograph of your actual connections and a copy and paste version of the code that you actually used.


i had that same problem once
if you are using a I2C lcd module to drive the display then there is a chance you have set the wrong I2C address.
Try running a I2C scanner sketch while the display is connected.
Open up the serial monitor and see if it detects it, if it does it also shows a adress.
Then just open up a lcd sketch and change the adress to the one of you're display

i hope this also works for you

If you are using a 16X2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and you see nothing but BLACK (not white) boxes on the top of the LCD screen the initialization of the LCD did not work properly because that is what you see when you only connect Vcc, Vee and Ground on such a display and by consequnece only the power up initialisation took place.

Also be carfull with the Vee (contrast) connection. On some LCD displays simply connecting it to ground (a common approach) makes the contrast so high that you will only see black boxes. On an 16X2 LCD you will only see black boxese (actually arrays of 5X7 dots) on the first line... and after proper initialisation you would see two lines of the same black boxes.

I know this because i did once spend two full days on this problem to find out that actually everything worked perfectlmy...when I inceased the voltage to 0.5V on the Vee line using a trim potentiometer.

If you are using a 16X2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and you see nothing but BLACK (not white) boxes on the top of the LCD screen . . .

Unless of course you have one of the common LCDs with a blue background and white characters in which case the row of boxes will in fact be WHITE.

. . . and by consequnece only the power up initialisation took place.

Actually an entire initialization does in fact take place with just power connected - but it uses the default configuration which is for a 1-line device. These are extremely rare nowadays as most devices with one row of characters (16x1) use two lines of memory and are configured as 8x2.
