Why does the forum-software waste so much space?

This pictures shows it

I'm using a 1920 x1080-Pixel monitor. Nothing special hires nowadays.

I'm pretty sure the forum-software can detect the screen-resolution of the user and then render the shown website depending on the screen-resolution and browser-window-size

best regards Stefan

There has been lots of discussion in many threads on this.
Sometimes it even gets heated.
I don't see anything changing.
You will see the apologists come up with all kinds of excuses/reasons for it, but IMO, it is mostly due to the younger crowd that is now creating these platforms.
They are using their smart phones and tablets for access and hence put little to no value on the more traditional desktop environments with bigger screens and alternate input devices because they are simply not using them or not using them very much for sites like this.

This kind of thing is not unique to this site, it is happening all over on web sites.

--- bill

As it can be seen from these overlapping screenshots with different browser-window-size there is already build in dynamic in the website-rendering.

This rendering must be just expanded up to 4K-resolution
and then it works fine

Seemingly because analytics say it is better for reading and has been proven.

Don't buy that myself and clearly a bit of BS in there with the new left hand menu thing.

Because Arduino's marketing designers don't trust its users to size a window, and because they think looking at code is like reading text.

Here's their design showing 17 words of content(*) with at most 3 words per line:

(*) "content" meaning the subject lines of the forum posts. The rest is boilerplate or Tuftean Chartjunk

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accidently I discovered a smart solution on the Wikipedia-Website
where the user can adjust the appearence to her/his preference

See the button in the bottom right corner


Analytics meaning analytics of marketing copy.

You'll spend optimal (more) time reading and scrolling marketing copy when it is optimized for teasers and scrolling.

Me personal surely not.
If we want to continue schrinking down peoples intelectual abilities down to sheer dumbness so that it will be enough for Donald Dumb shouting "wooooo!" at the sheeps to make them all run frightened into the direction he wants them to run. go ahead

No IMHO the arduino-forum should offer the opposite in combination with flexibility.
Old programmer-wisdom: a code is never finished. Just executable (most of the time) You can always improve or extend the functionality

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I meant "optimal" from the marketing/e-commerce point of view of the researchers that do the line-length research.

I would imagine that excellent (from the user's perspective) reference material would minimize reading time, engagement, repeated visits, and click-throughs, (almost the diametrically opposite goal of marketing) if it clearly, memorably, and fully explained the subject.

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