Why my custom Atmega2560 board is not detected

Hello guys

I have designed an Atmega2560 board as shown in the schematics below, but I am having a problem which is whenever I connect the board to the PC it's not being detected. I have tried other USB cables, and other PC's but same prblem. I also checked the soldering and everything appears perfectly connected as it should according to the schematic. What could be the issue here?
I didn't burn the bootloader on the Atmega2560, but I believe this isn't the issue as the board should still be detected through the FT232RL. I also made sure that I installed the driver for the chip..

Is the bootloader programmed into the chip?

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Hey DVD, please check my edited post.. :grinning:

obviously no.
use ICSP for upload the program(sketch), or upload bootloader and then you can use USB


That is correct, your operating system should detect the FT232RL. So what does your operating think of the board? In Windows use device manager, in Linux use dmesg and lsusb, no idea about Macs.

Just in case, do not expect the board to show as a Mega; it will show as something like USB serial.

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Nothing at all, the power LED lights on the board but the windows gives no indication at all something is connected to it unfortunately!

I can't really help with the hardware side of things. So the only things that I can advise are

  1. Make sure that your cable is a data/sync cable and not a charge-only cable; e.g. bluetooth speakers and power banks usually come with the latter.
  2. Check you schematic around the FT232RL against a known working schematic (e.g. https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Dev/Arduino/Boards/RedBoard-V22.pdf) or the datasheet (https://ftdichip.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/DS_FT232R.pdf)
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Thank you guys I successfully burned the bootloader, turned out I didn't route the RESET pin of the Arduino to other than to the reset button so I didn't have access to it through the pins I made. Connecting it externally did the trick..