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we would not recommend SoftwareSerial at 115200 bauds. Configure your SIM7080 for 9600 bauds or auto-bauding.
make sure you have a proper power supply for your module too and that you connected the correct pins including GNDs
for autobauding set the SIM7080 baudrate to 9600 and type the the sequence at at at at at at at at
the SIM7080 should set the baud rate to 9600, start up (you should see start up information) and AT commands should then work
I got this board and I connected it to the arduino uno this way: BAT to 3,3 V, GND to GND, TXD to pin 2 and RXD to pin 3, This should be correct right? A also remembered to turn on board by shorting PWR to ground for a second.
The NET LED on the SIM board does blink which it should, and the RX and TX on the arduino blink when I write in the serial monitor. I tested the SIM via usb (where it works fine btw) and it should be on autobaud already. But in arduino IDE serial monitor I just get 8 squares sent back when I type "at".
when you connected via USB what baudrate did you use?
if it already autobauded was the baudrate the same as the Arduino program? e.g. 9600
if not power off the SIM, power it back on and try autobauding using the arduino code
the SIM7080G is powered externally with enough amps
GNDs are connected
SIM7080G Tx line to pin 2 of Arduino
SIM7080G Rx line to pin 3 of Arduino
voltage adaptor if needed for the communication (3.3V versus 5V?)
open the serial monitor at 115200 bauds
configure end of line to be CR+LF
type AT and enter a few times
➜ do you see anything written back from your SIM7080G?
SoftwareSerial cannot transmit and receive data at the same time.
it is possible that as the Arduino was transmitting bytes the receiver was echoing them and causing corruptions
in general the recommendation is use hardware interfaces
software bit-bashing emulations have limitations