xbe shield problem

I just received two arduino dieci mila boards with xbee shields (v 1.1 with Xbee series 2 modules). I got the Arduino boards working without problems but have not succeeded demonstrating board to board communication using xbee.

I followed he ArduinoXbeeShield example

And have the same problem reported by another user here

With both boards running the test programs I can see H and L coming out of the first board (using the serial monitor) but the second one does not receive. I have not attempted to change the default xbee settings so they should automatically communicate.

Does anyone know what is wrong or have any hints on how to diagnose it?

I don't think the series 2 modules talk to each other without changing their settings. Take a look at the datasheet.
Check out the thread in the hardware/interfacing forum. It might help.

thanks to the indications given by ironmarshal and franklin I managed to make my two xbee series 2 in shields talk to each other.

I removed the microcontroller from my arduino, connected the shield and set its jumpers to USB.

Then I used X-CTU and a windows XP PC to set one up as a ZNET 2.5 coordinator AT and the other as a ZNET 2.5 Router/End device AT. This took a few tries as X-CTU seemed to lose its connection sometimes.

Thereafter I attached an instance of GtkTerm (a serial terminal on Linux) to each board and configured baudrate, PAN ID and Node ID via AT commands. I also set destination H/L on the end device to be the address of the controller (taken from the back of its xbee module). Then I found I could send characters from one board to the other using the terminal software - COMMUNICATION!

Finally I saved the good settings by with ATWR,