XBee 2.5 firmware upload failed... Now a toaster

I just tried to update the firmware on my XBee 2.5 to set it up for Analog IO. The firmware appeared to write but then after the reset X-CTU would not talk to the board, reporting that there might be a baud rate problem. I've tried every baud rate with not success. I am using an Arduino Duemilanove (with the chip removed) and a libelium XBee shield with the jumbers set to USB. I was able to communicate with the XBee via the terminal before and my other XBee unit is still talking to me. 9600 8n1 as per standard.

Is there anyway to reset the XBee to a fixed configuration so that I can re-write the firmware???


I would take this topic up at the Digi support forum at digi.com. I think you can wire up a button to the reset line and use a combination of that button and the upload from X-CTU to forcibly reload the firmware. Take a look at the XBee's datasheet to confirm, however.

I have a issue running with Digi tech support but they think the XBee shield doesn't have the correct lines connected to program the XBee. I've raised this with Cool Components to see what they think.

Has anyone had success programming the XBee using the libelium XBee shoild?

Check that the RTS, CTS and DTR are connected from the XBee to the FTDI interface.

The FTDI to USB cable will not work since DTR is not connected.

There is a schematic in "Making Things Talk".

(* jcl *)

One thing I learnt a long time ago, if you can possibly live with the firmware a device came with, don't upgrade it. Its like playing Russian roulette, sometimes theres a bullet in the chamber. I cooked more than my fair share of computer stuff before I learnt better...... :smiley:

Unfortunately since the DTR and RTS of FT232 are joined together for auto reset function on arduino board, probably we can't use arduino for uploading a firmware to XBee with X-CTU software.
I gave up using it as an uploader and I successfully uploaded a firmware to XBee with this device and X-CTU.
The DTR and RTS on the XBee Explorer are separately connected.