5V RGB Module to 12V RGB LED

Hi, I also have a problem and I don't know how to solve it.
I have an RGB led module that is powered at 12V and the led strip is 5V.
This is the led putty!
Now my problem is different.
I want to light another led strip, but this time a 12V one.
How can I connect the 12v led strip to the 5v module?
Both LED strips have RGB (4 wires), only one lights up at 5V and the other at 12V.
I want to make a separate power supply circuit for the 12V led strip, but I want it to be connected with the 5V one.
When I change the color of the 5v module and change the color of the 5v led strip, the 12v one will automatically change as well, the same with the light intensity, when I lower the brightness of the 5v strip, it will also decrease on the 12v one.
Can I use a module like the arduino one?
Only that instead of the signal from the arduino, I give 5V from the RGB module.

which one?

which two?

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You can't

Yes but are both strips addressable strips, or strips that light up the same colour? They both have the same number of wires but are very different. What exactly do you have?

It is called an Arduino Uno. Even though Uno is Italian for one, it is still called a Uno.

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A lot of unknowns...

You probably just need 3 MOSFET drivers for the 12V strip. That's assuming you don't have individually addressable LEDs.

Since you already have the controller module you shouldn't need an Arduino.

Depending on how much current (Amp) the original 12V supply can put-out, you may need a separate power supply. (You'll need a common ground.)

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The main LED module is powered by 12V.
This module has 4 LED strips, but short of 4 cm, with 3 LEDs each.
These strips are 5V.
That's how the LED kit was, with everything and the module!
I have a 50cm LED strip at my desk, but it is powered by 12V! I don't use the mode for this led strip, because I used it for the white color, even if it is RGB!
Now I want to connect this module to my 12V led strip.
I found on ebay a module for arduino, which uses a 12V power supply, the 12V RGB output for the led strip, and another 4 input pins (VCC, GND, DIN, CIN)
and I was wondering if I can use this module to power the 12v led strip with this module, and also control the colors and the intensity of the light through it!
I am attaching the screenshot!

Post links to each of the LED strips giving technical details. I think they use 5V logic and can be connected together at the ground and signal level but the +5 and +12 will need to be seperate.

Those two LED strips are totally different things. They can not work together.
The smaller one is an addressable strip that works off 5V. Each separate LED can be made to show a different colour. You need to drive them with a library like the "FAST LED" one.

The large strip, 12 V, has all the LEDs showing the same colour. You drive those by using a FET on each colour output, pulling the Red, Green & Blue outputs to ground with a PWM signal.

Sorry but there is no way these can work together. The have to be connected and driven separately.

In the last photo the three rectangles at the top end are the three FETs. And the driver uses some sort of protocol to set what colour the whole strip produces.

this strip is simple RGB LED one, w/out any controls and it light up entire length of each R/G/B color.

probably that module from Ali turn such strip into an "one addressable pixel" just like WS2811 chip.

The small board with 3 LEDs is the same as the big one, the LEDs are 3 colors! As well as the 12V strip. So the board with 3 RGB LEDs is 5V and the RGB led strip is 12V. If I use 3 mosfets for each color, will I be able to control only ON/OFF or will I be able to control the intensity of the light as well?

From what I saw on YouTube, that module is connected separately to 12V and a 12V RGB led strip is connected to it. And the other pins are connected with an arduino module, and with its help you can control the led strip as you want! Lower the brightness, change the colors, just like an RGB module with a remote control :sweat_smile: I saw that it is only connected with 3 pins to the arduino module, I was thinking that maybe I can send 5V through that module and it in turn activates the led strip as I manage the 5V current!

Do you still not get it? They are not the same thing.

Yes you will. But while the board with three LEDs can have those three LEDs three different colours. On your strip you can only have the whole strip showing the one colour.

Can it be connected as in this diagram?
The minuses are anyway common as both come from the PC power supply!
The RGB module is powered at 12V, but the outputs for the LEDs have 5V.
Both LED strips have identical wires, the + wire and the others for each color (red, green, blue)
Only that on the 12V band it says on the plus wire (+12V) and on the 5V band it says (+5V)
Should I connect the plus wire from the 12V led strip directly to the +12V wire that powers the module, and should I connect the color wires in parallel with the 5V led strip?
Will it work or will smoke come out of the RGB module?

some parts from china smokes in any case.
to eliminate your fear you can connect both separated and then together. of course you can use its own MOSFET module for each LED part.

not true. driver IC powered from 5v line.

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