so far i made a project with an 4.3" resistive touch screen with an arduino mega.
i am looking for a 7" lcd tft capacitive touch screen to work with the arduino mega. i saw several screens on Ebay but non of them had the 2X20 pin socket that goes to the arduino lcd adapter shield. the screens have differnet type of connectors and i assume they require different set-up and protocal.
can any one recommend a 7" lcd tft capacitive touch screen for arduino mega?
Hi, Yes i bought a 7" Screen from ebay and it works great. It works with the Utft lib. Also i bought the shield. Check the discription on the ebay page.
thank you for the advice.
does it has a capacitive touch screen?
I dont know that, you can check on ebay or mail them. But i use this screen, and its good for my projects.
i have seen projects with the resistive type touch screen. i wanted to use the capacitive type touch screen that offers better feel. i could not find how to interface with that type of a screen
You might also want to take a look at one of these:
Several come with capacitive touch.
I've written about the 7" RA8875 based version with SPI interface and capacitive touch here:
They can also be used with parallell bus. However, they will probably not fit directly into your 2x20 socket, if that's a 100% requirement.
thanks for the information
i have read the article and from that article i got the insperation.
the screens you recommended look good
the 2*20 pin is not mandatory
as a novice i was looking for a straight forward way to use a 7" lcd capacitive touch screen with arduino MEGA so i can display information and enter data through the screen.
on my previous project i expirimented with a 4.3" resistive screen. it worked fine but the feel was not good. the integration was straight forward because i used an ITDB43 screen witn an ITDB02 shield that handled the interface. i had to modify the basic sketch because on that screen the rows and column were tranposed but rather than that i got it running.
i was looking on a way to connect the screen you recomended to the arduino. i understand that you had to design resistors and all those things. from the article i could not figure out the way. i would like to know if it is possible to be done or is it complicated? can you provide more information please?
thank you