A3144 Hall Sensor not working as expected


I do have a small controller which uses a 502J potentiometer for a throttle.
It actually gets 3,3v and "returns" the state of throttle. Has 1,65v meaning zero throttle, going up to 3,3v when moving forward and going down to 0v when I push the throttle backwards.

Now I would like to replace this poti with a Hall sensor (to make the whole thing waterproof at the end). So I searched around and found the A3144 Hall sensor which - as far as I understand the description - does exactly what I want.
Unfortunately not.

Whenever I come close with a magnet, it turns on or off, it is not "measuring" the distance and returning a value between 0 and 3,3v - it's all or nothing (there is also a red LED on the small board that turns on when getting close, which I don't need but anyway).

Since I am a bit new to electronics, could someone please show me the way to a working solution? It seems I am using the wrong sensor ... ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Sounds like you want linear/analog hall effect sensor rather than the 3144. :roll_eyes:
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So if it is the wrong one, what would you suggest?

Okay, I have now tried a 49E sensor.
It gives smooth values - yeah - but unfortunately, this one does not go till max.
Throttle at zero gives 1,55v (correct) and goes until 2,5v - but is supposed to return 3,3v at max. Similar for the break, which should be 0v, the sensor only goes till 0,7v but this isn't too bad, because I don't need the break anyway.
Still the wrong sensor?

Maybe but 2.5V is the max output from that sensor when supplied with 3.3V

If the SS49E sensor is powered with 5V, the output range is 1V - 4V.