I do have a small controller which uses a 502J potentiometer for a throttle.
It actually gets 3,3v and "returns" the state of throttle. Has 1,65v meaning zero throttle, going up to 3,3v when moving forward and going down to 0v when I push the throttle backwards.
Now I would like to replace this poti with a Hall sensor (to make the whole thing waterproof at the end). So I searched around and found the A3144 Hall sensor which - as far as I understand the description - does exactly what I want.
Unfortunately not.
Whenever I come close with a magnet, it turns on or off, it is not "measuring" the distance and returning a value between 0 and 3,3v - it's all or nothing (there is also a red LED on the small board that turns on when getting close, which I don't need but anyway).
Since I am a bit new to electronics, could someone please show me the way to a working solution? It seems I am using the wrong sensor ... ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.