AC light dimming with the arduino


I tried to dim a light with the arduino, but it didnt work. I'm quite new to the arduino, so i just tried to build the project.
I used this instructable:
I used the components used in this instructable, and i also used the schematic you can see in the attachments. For the code i used the one in the instructable.

In the attachment you can also see my breadboard, i know it isn't that clear, but i just took a picture because maybe it could help. The mains aren't connected on the picture tho.
When i plug in the mains, the lamp just stays off.
Can someone help me troubleshooting? I hope i explained it well!

Thanks in advance


maybe buy a wall dimmer and move it with a servo?



You have 220Vac on the protoboard, I don't think they are rated for that voltage.

Tom...... :slight_smile:

A couple of things you can check...

Disconnect the resistor connected to the MOC020 opto-isolator from the Arduino's I/O pin. Leave the ground. Connect that resistor to +5V. That should turn-on the opto-isolator and the TRIAC, and the light should come on. If it doesn't come on, you've got a problem in that part of the circuit.

Write a little sketch to read Arduino pin 2, and send that pin's status to the serial monitor. You should see that state changing between zero and one if the zero-crossing detector is working.

It is totally unsafe to use a breadboard with mains voltages.

How many times have you seen a wire get accidentally pulled out of a breadboard, and touch something it shouldn't?

an you repost the picture of your project and identify pin1 on each of the IC's please,

I don't think I can see a link from pin 2 of the arduino to pin 5 of the 4N25.
Also TIC106 is an SCR not a TRIAC.

Tom.... :slight_smile:


I tried both the things DVDoug said, and neither of those work, it get all 1, and the light doesnt go on.
I'm just going to clear my breadboard and start again. Then i'll run those tests again.
if working with mains on the breadboard is so bad, then what do you guys advice to prototype?
Also, TomGeorge, i made a mistake, it's the TIC206!
A lot of thanks for the replies!

EDIT: Tomgeorge, i'll show you another picture when i rebuilded it!

something like this would be more useful or you

also you can connect many devices together and control them from one arduino board