Arduino IDE 2.0 not Installing? Try THIS! (RaspberryPi 4 ARM)

I have literally just started using Linux, Rapsberry Pi and Arduino over the last month.
I have been really wanting to upgrade to Arduino IDE 2.0 but have noticed nothing I try works when installing it even the steps others say they have tried, programs they have installed and even permissions they have granted.
With that said I have finally got it working WITH desktop ions and functioning pane executable as well.

Running Newest Raspbian Bullseye 64-bit and Kali stable 64-bit.

I note that I am almost positive that the only files is releasing are not ARM files. For some reason this .zip i get works but the ones send out do not.

If you would like to just run IDE2.0 first off without anything else skip to Step 2 and then read Step 6

#Step 1 - First I went over to and downloaded the legacy Arduino IDE (1.8.X, this is to get the icon, desktop shortcut and panel menu application information.

Second I went to the GitHub page of Arduino 2.0 Raspberry Pi: Here <-- Not needed but will have overall info on software.
#Step 2 - Then I went to the release page noted in the GitHub page: Here <-- Needed for installation of IDE2.0

If you noticed there are 4 files, at least at this writing, We want to grab the DOUBLE zip file. ( [Again this zip is pretty identical to the one is posting but it will actually RUN the script and install.

Now that we have BOTH files go ahead and install Arduino IDE 1.8 first,

#Step 3 NOTE
Noticed this on second install YOU MUST START ARDUINO 1.8 (This only creates the Arduino folder in your home directory and a few other links to Arduino, this helps during IDE 2.0 install because it will actually look for this folder [I figure it assumes you have a previous version of IDE in 2.0], and IDE 2.0 will load scripts from this folder making it just overall easier to keep track of everything.)

#Step 4 If you are unaware on how to get the DESKTOP icons in IDE you will need to RUN the file in 1.8 IDE before deleting the folder. That is IF you would like the desktop and panel executables.

run command in 1.8 IDE folder (if clicking and running install did not work):

may ask for SUDO.

once done you can go ahead and delete the folder the Arduino IDE 1.8 uses.
Note: for this discussion we will assume /home/user/ is where Arduino is installed.

#Step 5 Once you have installed and deleted the Arduino folder repeat EXACTLY with the same steps to unzip and extract the double zip file for Arduino 2.0

(appears to be a small bug, this stopped me a few times, if you attempt to run install before reboot you will get a encoding error.)

#Step 6 Now after reboot go into the directory where you installed Arduino 2.0 IDE (/home/user/arduino-ide_2.0.0_linux_ARM64)

Open the folder marked above and you should see arduino-ide listed in the contents. From here OPEN TERMINAL within the folder itself, either right click and say open terminal here or go to File>Open Terminal (Optionally hit F4)

NOTE: Raspbian OS!!!, to open a terminal inside of the folder you will need to look above in the menu and go to TOOLS>OPEN CURRENT FOLDER IN TERMINAL. This will allow you to run the following command.

From here you will want to type the following command:


You should see the command line start to spit out a ton of data and if your lucky you will see the Arduino logo appear. DO NOT CLOSE it. Wait for the command line to confirm installed finished and then close Arduino. (Run as root or sudo if error occurs for permissions)

Desktop Icons
By right clicking on the desktop icon and simply changing the directory [BROWSE] in which the executable file is will get the icon working properly.
For the panel menu Icon I noted there is no arduio-ide located in the NORMAL .desktop directory.
I actually found the RaspbianOS directory SPECIFICALLY for this program in:
Which was quite odd, but modifying the file and the panel menu Icon worked.

KALI OS (This was all tested on kali but should work within some working realm of knowledge in most OS's.)

Now for the desktop icons. I will be kind of vague and quick here I just tinkered and figured it out.

You should have a desktop icon and a start menu executable located still on the system but do not work. (added steps to get these in early part of this article)

For desktop I right clicked on the icon (I was in KALI when I did this so forgive if the steps are different for Raspbian) selected Properties then went to Launcher.
There is an editable section called COMMAND and it will have the location of the executable it is attempting to start. Edit it so it points to /home/user/Arduino2.0/arduino-ide. (wherever your directory is)
If you attempt to open it and there is an error follow the error. usually there is a typo or the directory was wrong.

After that I also edited the .desktop file as well to be sure:

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/arduino-arduinoide.desktop

or something similar. You will see a line that says EXEC=
again make sure it points to the arduino-ide location for 2.0

Lastly the start menu application, If you attempt to start it will give you a directory error. We fix this by going to edit launcher or right clicking on the application in the panel menu and editing it. Similar to the above desktop applications just without command line.

And there you go. Hopefully a functioning Arduino-IDE on Raspbian and Kali.
Took me forever to figure out but I think it was worth it. I like the new design.

Side note There are bugs noted for all 2.0 versions that it attempts to update but fails to do so. Small problem nothing big.

Thanks for taking the time to share your findings @helltofire!

This is correct. Official builds of Arduino IDE 2.x are currently only provided for x86 host architecture.

This deficiency is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

Hmm, not bad for a n00b with a month of experience.
You guys keep teaching, you guys rock.

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I've moved your topic to the dedicated IDE 2.0 section of the forum.

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Updated to include STEPS and both RaspbianOS and KALI.
With those 2 and standard knowledge this should work on most OS's running on a Pi.

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