After reading a lot of forums, I am not able to solve the problem yet.
The Arduino mega 2560 is not being detected by my laptop that uses windows 7 32 bit but it works fine on my 64 bit PC.
It is not a cable issue or installation problem as I did the exact same installation for bot PC and laptop.
The funny thing is I was using the board to run my 3D printer only a few days back and all of a sudden it simply disconnected from the laptop for o reason. I have been trying to get it working on my laptop but to no avail !. Will reinstalling the windows 7 software help in any way ? that's my last attempt to fix this !
Windows reinstall is imo unlikely to fix it. Does the usb port still work? Has the pc been fully power cycled? Do so, if not. Have you tried different ports? Do you get the hardware connected noise?
I have another 3d printer that uses the melzi board it connects just fine with the same usb port of the laptop so I am ruling that out. I do not get the hard ware connection noise when i plug it in, but the light on the arduino board does come on..
I have been trying every method available since today morning but nothing seems to be working. Tried reinstalling the drivers on my laptop as well.
I do not think the board is the problem cause it is working on my PC.
Any issues with the laptop that would stop it from working with the arduino ?
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Yes I managed to upload the marlin firmware through my PC and also checked it out by connecting to the board via pronterface which is the interface software for 3D printers, it seems to work fine.
I bought another cheap arduino clone this morning to check if the problem is with my laptop, but the cheap clone seems to work fine !