I'm trying to establish SPI communication between two Arduinos. When I directly wire pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 of both Arduinos, it works well and I can make them send and receive data.
For a project I'm working on, my idea is to develop a quick connection between both Arduinos, something like a plug-and-play connection, so I thought it was a good idea to use a USB-C adapter to easily connect them. I chose USB-C because it is a cheaper solution in terms of adapters and cables.
I imagine it is a bad idea since it's not working; there's no communication between the Arduinos.
And because people can easily connect them to a PC which is not your intention. And don't say that no other people will touch it because you can make the mistake as well.
I don't know enough about USB (connectors and cables) to advise further.
What do you mean? I published the post to understand if it is possible to use USB-C as I explained. If you have something helpful to say about that, I would appreciate it; otherwise, please refrain from responding with things that don't help.
You are absolutely right, but I'm developing a prototype and I need to save some money. I was looking for a good way to plug the different sensors I have into the master Arduino. I initially thought of using a round cable like the one below, but as you can see, it's too expensive. I have 10 sensors, so just the cables would cost more than $250, which is too much.
I also thought of using a Hirose connector, but it is also very expensive. For now, USB-C connections might be the cheapest option.
Do you know of any other solution I can use? I want a cost-effective solution without having to build the cables myself.
The type of connector used is irrelevant as long as the contacts can pass the required voltage at the required current. and that the connectors are wired correctly
The adaptor board you have probably has CC1 and CC2 connected to GND via resistors.
If you want to use those boards you need to remove the resistors.
Also don't connect anything to SH
Does your board have SBU1,2?
Why do you say that? It could be that CC1 and V- are connected?
I cannot eliminate the +5V because I need it to supply the sensor; it won't be connected to another power source.